the tired teen told her sister she was just going to explore and headed outside to the hilton.  she texted michael while walking to their hotel. the bumpy pathways definitely did not give aria a good introduction to the sunny peninsula.

she put her phone back in front pocket and took a deep breath while walking into the lobby. the fancy hotel smell filled her lungs. there was nothing aria loved more than that distinct smell, it reminded her of her father and when they would stay at five star hotels whenever he had business trips.

aria looked around, and her eyes locked on one person.


she gave him the biggest smile before running toward him and jumping into his arms. after just a few seconds her legs were wrapped around his waist, her theories were right. he is cuddly.

she loves michael dearly, but she only wanted to be in one persons warm embrace.

aria wanted luke.

too bad luke never wanted her.

no matter how many times he said he did.  luke never wanted her.

aria lifted her head from the crook of michael's neck and just spent a few seconds looking into his deep green eyes. she never felt more wanted than right now. she laid her chin on his shoulder and looked around.

luke was there. he was right behind the two of them. he was with her.

the only way aria could describe the moment was awkward. the way luke was staring at her while michaels hands were on her ass, holding her up, but no that's not enough. his annoying girlfriend just had to be there watching it all go down.

"luke's looking." is all aria said before michael smashed there lips together. aria opened her eyes just so she could wink at the blonde who's jaw was dropped extremely low, and blue eyes softened. it was difficult to tell if he was upset or angry.

luke felt so many emotions hit him at once. the first recognizable one being plain anger.  aria did that to him.  he realized that ever since they met he couldn't distinguish one emotion from another.

he turned on his heels and stormed into the elevator. his girlfriend followed along.   aria pulled back.

"you're good at that," michael laughed, leaning in again, "did you wear those shorts for luke?" he whispers against her matte lipstick. carrying her to the elevator.  she nodded and hit the close door button then held it so no one else could walk in.

michael put aria down just so he could grab her wrists and push her against the cold elevator wall.  he held her wrists up against the wall and forcefully brought his lips to hers after getting a look of approval.  aria smiled and pulled back, "what was that for?" she laughed resting her head on his shoulder, "you know were not actually dating, remember?"

"yea.  i just can't get over what a good kisser you are."

"i can't believe you're real," aria said, trying her best to not jump around, "i have to fangirl now before i embarrass myself doing it later," she claimed.

"well, you're going to get drunk with 5sos later, you're bound to embarrass yourself"

aria chuckled but quickly stopped when she realized something that could hurt that plan, "what do i tell my sister?" she blurted.

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