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Not caring that I would be exposed. I had so much anger in me that the thought of being seen by over 100,000 eyes wasn't a problem.

I wasn't doing anything but making my secret harder to keep. But now that I did this I guess it's not a secret.

I heard Brie scream. I vowed to myself that I would NEVER hurt another human being. Her scream snapped me out of my trance.

I saw Joe put Brie into a corner and step in front of her. NICKI STOP. YOU KNOW THAT YOUR BETTER THAN THIS.

I started to hear the arena fill with claps and ohh's. They thought that this was apart of the show. But I knew that when I stepped 1 foot backstage that there are going to be looks.

I had realized what I was doing and ran out the arena and didn't look back. I told nobody where I was going. I didn't even know where I was headed. All I know is I can't be seen. By ANYBODY.

I just need to be alone. And stay away from everyone. Family and friends. I don't wanna put anybody in danger. Because I know that I already am in a lot of it.

The council would kill me if they EVER found out that I did this. The whole point of being a werewolf is to keep it a secret. Once I was out of sight of anyone or anything I just ran. I didn't stop for anything.

Soon days past. Then days turned into weeks. I realized that I had been gone for 3 weeks. I was deep in the forest. I rested myself on a stump. Breathless and heart racing. I felt my heart moving a mile a minute. I could barely breathe.

I heard a faint howl. I could tell that it was getting closer. At that moment I feared for my life. My break was over. I know that I can't stop now.

I have been away from my fiancé. My friends. My family. Not that there's really anyone left. I been away from my home.

The sky was starting to get dark. I was still running. The thought of transforming wasn't at the front of my mind. But what was at the front of my mind was flash backs.

Flashbacks of me and Joelle having fun. Flashbacks of me and joe kissing. The laughs and the smiles are becoming extremely vivid.

The flashbacks were getting to strong that it toke over my vision. Running through the forest at night was not the best idea. I ran into a tree. Hit my head everything went black. I could barely tell if my eyes were closed or they were open. The darkness over came me.

The next morning I woke up in someone's bed.

All of a sudden Joe walks in through a door. No No No No No I can't be here you can't be here. I'm putting you and Joelle and everyone else in danger.
Your ok. Your not endangering anybody. Your fine.
What about the council. They'll kill me.
They'll kill you.
Tears just started rolling down my eyes. The council doesn't know yet. Don't sweat it for right now.
Com'on lets just go to sleep and we'll talk about it tomorrow. Okay?

We kissed each other goodnight and we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms

In The Light Of The Moon {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now