What were you saying

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Nicki's P.O.V
Once I woke up the dry hospital air hit me. Making me cough. I looked around the room thinking to see someone. But I got nothing so I picked up the remote that was sitting next to me and I started flipping through the channels. Nothing was really on so I just turned it off. I turned to my side and tried to what my life would be like if I didn't meet Joe. The thought had tired me out. I was about to close my eyes until I hear my door burst open with a couple of doctors that told me that the reason that I fainted was because I was under a lot of stress.
No dip Sherlock. But I said that in my head so nobody else heard that but me.

You are able to go home whenever you feel like it.

Thank you for all your help.
We probably stared at each other for 30 seconds before they walked out the door.
I was still blown by the fact the Joe wasn't here. Then I remembered that it was Monday. I rushed to get my clothes on and go back to the hotel to grab my gear and rush to the arena.

Once I arrived at the arena I was greeted with hellos and welcome backs. I got dressed and headed to a monitor.

When I got there I see Joe talking to Seth. Seth had his new crew with him.
They had Joe surrounded. He was in trouble as usual. So I counted how many men there were. There's 6. 3 girls and 3 guys.
I rounded up the twins ( Bella's and Usos) and the big show.
I had the tech people cut off the lights. But before that could happen I heard Seth make a remark saying see Rebel isn't here to save you now.
*lights out*
All of us ran out
*lights on*
The arena filled with cheers. I asked the time keepers for a mic.
Now what were you saying Seth that I'm not here to save my man. Even though he really doesn't need saving. I just know that he believes in a fair fight. Something you know nothing about.
You know what I'm not going to do this here. Com'on guys.
If your not going to do it here then when are you going to do it.
I'll answer that. He's not he's going to keep running so we're going to do it at money in the bank. That's if your even up for the challenge.
Before Seth could even get anything out here comes SHANE.
Now Seth that's a great idea. Your crew vs Romans crew. Wwe universe what do you think.
The crowd went wild.
Then it's settled.
Everyone just rolled out the ring and went backstage.
Hey baby when did you get let out the hospital.
This morning. I thought that you knew that.
So sorry I completely forgot. Well I have something to tell you!
Um I have...

In The Light Of The Moon {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now