Me just Me

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Nicki's P.O.V
Name: Nicki Rey Johnson
Ring Name: Rebel.
Age: 19
Single or taken : taken by Joe.
As I slam my locker shut I'm so glad that it is my last time here. Just as I am about to walk out of those double doors of my school. The school that I have had spent 4 years in... I here my name over the speaker. Nicki can you come to the front office. This is the office that I have had some trouble in. Mostly for starting fights. Me and my principal were best friend's. (Principal Watson's) Was face was soon going to become a Burr after I walk through those doors.
As I walked into the office to meet his black eyes. "Ms.Nikki now I know that you leave the the school today but just know that your spirit will be remembered for all eternit."
Thanks for the speech but I have to get going know.
What's the rush?
I don't want to stay in this hell hole. And plus my boyfriend is waiting for me outside.
OK I won't keep you in this "hell hole" any longer enjoy your freedom.
Well OK BYE!
I burst through the office doors  and toke one more deep breath of this dry air. And out the door I go.
I see a black and yellow mustang outside. And you know what that means.
MY BOYFRIEND IS HERE. I can finally leave. I open the passenger door and see my handsome man. His name is Joe. He is a tall strong guy. That probably works out EVERY DAY. On a treadmill and something else.🍑🍆.
I kiss him on his beautiful face and we drove off to his house. Well our house. He gave me a key and everything.  I have been staying with Joe for about a month now I left after my mom and dad died in a bad car crash. And since then he has been there for me. We make a good couple. If you put two werewolf's in one cage there bound to come out together.
I'm finally out of that place.  Now can we go hunting now.
No. We can't we have to wait till it's dark out. Seth and Dean are going to meet us out there. Joe said with a chuckle.
Do we really have to wait?
Yes unless you want to be shot at. Because if you don't remember it's hunting season and those hunter will shoot anything they can get there hands on.
OHHH yeah right I'm not trying to get killed today.

(Skipping to 12:00 that night)
So me and Joe have been standing in our spot for 15 minutes where are theses guys.  10 minutes later they show up.
Hey Seth and Dean come here I want to give you a hug. I nearly broke there necks.
When we tell you that we are going to be at someplace at a certain time we expect you to be there at that it!?
We transformed into wolf form. It toke us 10 minutes but we finally caught something. An adult deer. Dinner is served.

          Sorry not written well I tried not very good at doing these types of books but I am trying to expand my horizons.

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