Chapter 28 - Tower

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The day started out normal enough. No one was in the cave besides Artemis and Adam. Artemis had come for a more conducive place to study for her history test than her house, but she ended up with Adam throwing popcorn into each other's mouths from opposite sides of the couch.
"In what year did Christopher Columbus discover America?" Quizzed Adam.
"What three ships did he take?"
"Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria."
Before Adam could ask the next question, red lights started flashing around the cave.
"Warning! All personnel! The Watchtower has been breached! Warning! All personnel! The Watchtower has been breached!"

"Oh shit!" Said Adam.
Robin and the other team members started Zeta ing in.
"I can't make contact with Batman or any of the other leaguers. Zeta tubes at the Watchtower are down." Said Robin.
"The prophecy!" Zatanna realized. "It's coming true."
"An army of villains in the Watchtower."
"OK team. Get ready. We're going to the Watchtower directly." Said Aqualad.
They took the bioship and took of.
"We're going to space." Said Artemis.
"We're going to actual frickin space!" Said Astrid. Both of their hands were trembling, so they held each other.
Although Adam didn't show it, he was scared shitless. He grabbed on to his seat.
"Tense, huh?" He looked up and saw Zatanna smiling at him.
"What makes you say that?" He said sarcastically. There was a short silence after that.
"Adam, have you been avoiding me?" She asked.
"Why would you say that?"
"We haven't hung out in so long. Is it because of... because of Robin?"
"No, no. It had nothing to do with that. In fact, I'm quite happy for you guys. I've just been really worried about the Flash from my dimension." He said. It wasn't a total lie.
"OK." She smiled."I'm so relieved. But if you need to talk, remember, I'm always here."
"Strap in guys!" Said Miss Martian."We're breaking atmosphere."
There was a lot of turbulence and Astrid and Artemis squeezed each other's hands like there was no tomorrow. After some seconds it stopped. Everyone was breathing heavily.
"We made it!" Said Kid Flash.
"Now we go for the bastards that took our mentors hostage"
Unknown POV
I've been here for hours watching this guys. The Leaguers were each lying in their own specialised trap. Practically every super villain I know is in on this. But I still haven't seen...him. I'll keep looking.

Back to normal POV
They faced immediate resistance in the docking bay where, but they were swiftly taken care of by Kid Flash and Astrid before they could alert any one.
"We will split up in groups of two." Said Aqualad. "I will go with Artemis, Miss Martian will go with Superboy and Kid Flash, Aftershock will go with Zatanna, Burnout will go with Robin. We need to know who is doing this and we need to get our mentors out."
They all went separate ways.
Adam and Robin were crawling through the air vents. They finally got to an opening and Robin peaked through. What he saw horrified him.
His mentor, Batman was strapped to a table. He was bleeding. The Joker was standing next to him, wanting to cause more pain to him.
Robin was mad.
"Robin, wait..." started Burnout, but it was too late. Robin leapt out of the vent and planted his foot in Joker's face.
"Ahh...Wonder Boy. We've been waiting for you." He said. Robin looked behind him and saw Atomic Skull, charging an energy blast. He fired it at Robin, but it never hit. Adam had blocked it with his swords.
"Take him out. I'll deal with skullface."
Robin ran off to fight the Joker while Adam faced Atomic Skull. Adam charged at him while dodging energy blasts and punched him in the stomach. Atomic Skull barely flinched and whacked Adam away with a swing of his fist.
"His armor protects his body and his the energy protected his face." Adam thought. He groaned as he figured out what to do. He set his hand on fire and ran up to Atomic Skull and punched him right in the face. His hand burned but he still did it. Atomic Skull crashed into the wall and some of the flesh on Adam's hand was burned, but healing fast.
He turned and saw Robin punching the Joker again and again in the face. The Joker's face had a bloody smile on it.
"Robin, stop! You'll kill him!" Said Adam."I know how much you hate him right now but you can't let that get to you. It's not what Batman would want."
Robin stopped and looked at his fists. They were wet with the Joker's blood.
"Get Batman out of here. I'll go and look for the rest of the League."
Robin carried Batman on his shoulder and went for the door.
"Hey, Adam. Thanks."
Robin left and Adam continued exploring the Watchtower. He saw some armed guards which made him curious so he grabbed a man who was alone and took him into the closet with his hand on his mouth. Adam put his sword to the man's neck.
"I'm going to take my hand of your mouth now."Adam whispered. "If you scream, it will be the last thing you ever here."
The man nodded quickly.
"My name's Will. I grew up in Kentucky. I live in mom's basement. Sometimes I dress up like..." The man said in a quick panicked voice.
"Shut up." Said Adam. "Who do you work for?"
"How long have they been planning this?"
"I don't know. They just told us about this yesterday... sir."
Adam sighed and knocked the man out painlessly.
He heard Miss Martian's voice in his head.
"I've taken out Simon so we're free to use the telepathic link." She said.
"Good. We found The Flash." Said Artemis."His leg's broken, but I think he'll be alright."
"Superman's surrounded by kryptonite so I got him out." Said Miss Martian.
"Send every leaguer you find to me." Said Robin. "I'll take one of the ships and get them out of here."
One by one, they rescued all the Leaguers. They rendezvoused at the reactor core after they had freed all their mentors. Except Robin who was flying them out.
"I think that we should clear this place out." Said Kid Flash.
"Not now. It's too risky."
Before they could come to an agreement, the doors burst open. Lex Luthor was there with the Flash and some new people they hadn't seen before.
"Supergirl?" Adam said. She obviously wasn't the Supergirl from this dimension. Her suit was black with a white S on her chest. She gave Adam a cold stare.
"And Doctor Fate. I thought you were dead!" Said Astrid.
"You children have been getting in our way for too long. That ends now."
Supergirl flew straight into Adam and threw him at the wall. She then punched him a few times. Astrid was going to help him, but the Flash kicked her legs and put his foot on her while Doctor Fate trapped the rest of them in a cage.
"Things could have been different. You could have been on the other side of this." She said. "Our orders are to kill your friends. But he wants to see you two for some reason. Dispose of them."
A figure burst out of the shadows and in one swift motion it sliced Doctor Fate across the chest, threw a dagger at The Flash's foot, pinning him to the ground and roundhouse kicked Supergirl with a dirty boot.
Rose Wilson stared directly at Adam.
"Now, we're even."
Hey guys!!! I know it's been awhile but I'm back now! I was suffering from severe writer's block and then I didn't save a couple of times and it got real complicated, but we're back on track now and ill keep pumping out the chapters for you all. And we're almost at 2k reads!! Commmmeeeeennnt. Plllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaassssse!

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