Chapter 13 - Prophecy

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She had blonde hair and just kicked the asses of the whole Suicide Squad. She lifted the bloody face of Captain Cold and whispered to him: "You've got to work with me here. Do you know anyone called Adam Holt. 6'3, blonde hair and white hoodie." This person sounded suspiciously like the guy who'd put him in prison. He just got out and had to deal with this.
"I'm telling you I don't know where he is." He shivered. Her eyes turned unnatural shades of red and orange.
"I can see that you've been with him. So tell me, before I start wondering what your brains look like!" She smashed his face on the ground, costing him two teeth.
"Okay, okay, okay. I think the guy your looking for goes by the name Burnout. Hangs around with the kiddy Justice League."
"Adam? Justice League? BURNOUT!" Said the annoying girl. "Well, thank you. Oh.. And you can keep your tracker." She stepped on his face and knocked him out. She left the room filled with people with cuts and arrows in their bodies.
Zatanna, Artemis and Adam zetaed into the cave, bruised and cut.
"You guys look like you've been hit by a bus." Said Robin.
"I wish." Said Adam. "Met this dude named Harm. In other news, I have a new sword. Zatanna, would you help me study the runes on this."
She shunned him.
"Okay. I'm sorry."
"Thank you. Because it's so hard to frown when I'm so excited to see what we will find about the sword." She said. She had a beaming smile and she dragged him to the couch. They set the sword down and sat down, as if they were meditating. Zatanna and Adam read the runes.
"This is an ancient language." Said Zatanna. "I've never seen anything like this."
"I have. When I was training to take in the dragons, I had to learn their language. This is vaguely similar. I can't tell you exactly, but I think it says something about joining energies to unlock the secrets of this sword."
"Wow. Didn't know you knew ancient languages. Impressive."
Robin grunted and left the room.
He wrapped his scarf around the sword.
"Oh. Your scarf has similar runes." Said Zatanna.
"So putting it around the sword would make it easier. Come on, give me your hands."
"What?" She asked.
"Join energies, remember?"
"Oh yeah." They joint hands and closed their eyes.
"Zee, are you okay?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Your cheeks are getting red and your temperature's increasing."
"Oh." She giggled."Its a human thing."
"Okay. Let's start."
They concentrated for what seemed like hours and finally, the sword glowed and started floating. Then it started spinning really fast. They saw images in their heads like a prophecy. It showed an army of super villains marching down on the justice league. Then the scene changed to an object coming out of the sun. It changed again into Scarecrow holding a vial of vertigo up and laughing.
A different image projected of a flash of blonde hair leaving the bloody suicide squad. And finally, and maybe the most disturbing was Superman...Adam's Superman...hovering over the wreckage of Mount Justice. Then the visions stopped. They got out of the trance and looked into each other's eyes for a little too long. Then they realized they were still holding hands. They let go.
"Do you know what this means? We need to tell Batman and the Justice League!" Exclaimed Zatanna.
"Okay. Just calm down." Said Adam, almost hyperventilating. He started to pace around and then his hair caught fire.
"Adam...your hair's on fire"
"What!" He patted it out and then all the electric appliances started to go haywire?
"Calm down." Said Zatanna. "I remember when your head caught flames." She sang.
Adam laughed and said"okay I'm fine. Go warm the Justice League. I'll take care of the sword." She kissed him on the cheek then zetaed out.
When he had joint energies with Zatanna, he saw all the feelings that she felt for him. Happiness, kindness, joy and

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