"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Katherine. If I may be so bold as to address you so informally." At her nod, Jacob swept his hand back and beckoned a young man forward. "This is my eldest son, Keme."

The man who stepped forward was tall, much taller than his father, probably taller than her own father. He was built thick through the chest and thighs but lean through the middle. Katherine couldn't help but admire his physique. His shoulders were awe inspiring, and could span hers three times over. She kind of thought he looked a lot like Joe Manganiello, which was definitely a good thing.

"Ms. LaFlamme, it is a pleasure." His voice rumbled deep in his throat and, unexpectedly, Katherine found herself liking the sound of it. An image of Quinn flashed before her eyes and she dismissed the errant feeling of guilt. The connection she had to Quinn was real and fierce, but is was also new and guilt should not be a factor, yet.

Pierre's study was too small to accommodate the large party so Pierre led the way with Sylvie by his side to the back of the house. There, a conference room was outfitted to fulfill all their needs. Fruit baskets and hor d'ourves were scattered about artfully on beautiful trays and both hot and cold beverages were available at a moment's notice.

Katherine knew that Sylvie had prepared for this summit with all the attention that she would grant any visiting Alpha. Her mother knew her politics and was well aware that her husband would one day soon be sharing leadership of Canada with this man. There were relations to be established and she would do her best to ensure that those new bonds to be strong and loyal.

Katherine watched the two men carefully as they talked casually; taking in the reflexive minutia that would forewarn her should any real tension spring up between them. This was one of her main purposes for attending the conference. Besides her position as firstborn, she was an excellent reader of body language and facial movements from years of practice in a courtroom.

Her other purpose was to help direct the meeting according to accepted norms. Should the meeting erupt, it would be her job to mediate. Despite the obvious flaw in that scenario, that she would protect her father's interests primarily over those of Jacob Little Foot's, she was prepared to remain as objective as possible.

In order to retain objectivity, she had sent an invitation to Little Foot's camp to provide a mediator of their own. From the looks of it, the bronzed brunette with the sparkling green-blue eyes was to be her co-mediator.

Katherine stepped forward and met the woman's readily outstretched hand.

"Katherine LaFlamme."

"Daphne Dru. Pleased to meet you Ms. LaFlamme. If I could be so bold as to ask for a moment of your time to speak privately before we begin."

Despite her delicate frame, Daphne's handshake had been strong and sure. Katherine liked the way the woman spoke with authority, as though this meeting were common place and her role in this summit just another day's work and not one of the soon-to-be-written about in the history books events of wolf kind. If she hadn't been attempting to appear professional for the sake of her family, Katherine would have grinned.

Katherine's heels clicked satisfyingly against the floorboards. Men might see high heels as phallic objects inflicted upon women to fulfill their male fantasies but they didn't know the feeling of utter dominance in a situation when one's heels were seriously fabulous. Phallic object or weapon of female prowess, either way, they always made her feel powerful.

There was a small alcove down the hallway from the conference room where Sylvie had arranged two wingback chairs by a window for reading or lounging. The mid-morning sun was shining brightly, dulled only slightly by the ivory sheers that hung smartly from a cast iron rod. Katherine motioned for the woman to sit down as she perched on the edge of one of the chairs.

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