Chapter 8

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Violet's Pov

I was sitting on the floor, next to the bed where the window gave light to room, I had my knees pressed to my chest; I don't know what I did but it scared me. I put my head to my knees and groaned, I heard footsteps come down the hallway and stopped in front of the door. I heard the door open and I didn't bother to pick my head up, I felt the bed move as I knew someone was sitting next to me.

" Hey.", a deep voice said and I looked up to find my dad sitting next to me on the floor. I put my head down and didn't bother to look at him, it's half his fault for what happened.

" Violet, you do realize that you did something amazing.", he said and I looked up through my hair, meeting his green eyes.

" How so?", I asked. I'm so confused.

" You discovered your power, many vampires have powers and it's different for everyone.", he stated and I looked up fully moving my hair behind my ear.

" Really?"

" Yeah,  I have the power to turn into a demon and your mother controls electricity. It comes from her or the sky."

When he said that my eyes widen and I raised my eye brow.

" What do you mean by demon?", I asked and he sat up a little taller.

"My eyes become black with red pupils and I get crazy, I'll black out and attack anyone.", he stated and I looked at him.

" Did you ever attack..."

" Yes, back when we first met. We got into an argument and I couldn't control myself and I attacked her. She has scars on her  neck and back from it. I never forgave myself for it.", he said and I blinked. Will I lose control like that?

" Will that happen to me?", I asked and he looked at me and nodded. I looked down at the floor.

" The both of you will either loose control from anger or being hungry.", he said and I nodded accepting the answer.

" I got angry when I saw you in moms face.", I said quietly knowing he heard me.

" Well, I have anger issues and I have a feeling you'll have them too. So you have to control it ok?", he stated and I nodded. He then grabbed my shoulders and nudged me into his chest for a hug and I hug him feeling safe right there with my dad.

 We were eating dinner at the moment and I was moving my food around, I kept feeling this pang in my stomach. I  looked at everyone and noticed that Rebecca wasn't eating either, I looked at her as she looked at me and her eyes flashed gold and I felt mine do the same. 

" I'm hungry.", Rebecca said while playing with her food and mom looked at her with a weird look.

" Eat your dinner.", she said and I rolled my eyes.

" Not that type of hungry.", I stated and everyone realize what we meant and stopped eating.

" How can you be hungry, you just fed like a couple of hours ago?", Niall asked and we shrugged.

" Well, drink from a blood bag it's in the fridge.", dad said and we got up to go get one. When I opened the fridge I saw the bags on the lower shelf and grabbed two, handing Rebecca one. I ripped open the bag and the smell hit me like a ton of bricks, I looked at Rebecca and she smiled at me bring the bag to her lips and I followed suit. When the blood reached my throat my eyes changed color and I took the bag out of my mouth; I squeezed it really hard hearing the blood splatter to the floor and the bag pop.

" Violet!", my mom exclaimed as she stood up and I growled at her hearing Rebecca do the same too, when I looked at her I noticed that her eyes were a different color; they were more red and black.

" That isn't the same.", she said and I nodded.

" We want real blood, not from a bag.", I stated and dad looked at me.

" That blood is real,what blood do you want?", he stated and I glanced at Rebecca knowing what we wanted.

" Human blood, and where going to find it.", I said and Rebecca bared her teeth as everyone stood up from there seats. I growled and looked behind me to find an extra plate on the counter and then the window. I picked up the plate and through it into the window hearing it shatter, I climbed the counter and looked outside seeing it was night fall.  Rebecca jumped out first then I followed suit, feeling the hunger build up in my body as I lost control, I heard the 'thuds' of feet land outside; turning I saw everyone outside about to follow us, I flicked my wrist seeing fire start on the floor in front of us and make a barrier. I smirked and took off running with Rebecca following suit.

" Where are we going?", she asked and I looked at her.

" The mall area there are humans there.", I stated and she nodded.

When we got there, their was a few cars outside and we spotted a girl walking to her car and then someone got out of the car to help her.

" Seems easy right?", I asked and Rebecca shrugged, we sped to a different side of the parking lot and I went up to the people just as they were putting the bags in the trunk I made my eyes change back to normal and fangs go back, the woman turned her head and saw me.

" Can I help you?", she asked and I nodded. 

" Um, Can you help me find my twin sister. We were suppose to meet here and she's not here.", I said and made a sad face. The woman and man looked at me and turned to me fully, Rebecca came behind them making me smirk, I felt my eyes change color and my fangs come out, I watched as the man and the woman looked scared and backed away but only to find Rebecca behind them.

" Found me.", she said and she grabbed the man's head and sunk her fangs into his neck and I jumped on to the woman sinking my teeth into her; I felt the sweet blood go down my throat and I gripped her tighter hearing her whimper. I put my hand on her neck and snapped it letting her body go limp in my arms, as I looked at her I soon realize what I had done and that I didn't listen to dad about controlling myself. I looked at Rebecca to see her still drinking from the man and he wasn't moving anymore.

" Rebecca.", I said and she didn't stop.

" Rebecca!!"

" REBECCA STOP!!", I screamed but my voice was different it was deeper and scarier, she dropped the body and looked at me. She was mad.

" Enough, lets go back.", I said and she growled at me, I bared my teeth at her getting in her face watching her shrink down.

" Lets. Go", I said sternly and she nodded at me, I took a breathe and calmed down when I looked up I froze seeing our families glare at the both of us.


 Hey guys:)

So here's a chapter, next chapter will have violence in it just a warning and also follow me on twitter


yeah i know purple nirple you can laugh im use to it


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