Chapter 7

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Haven's Pov 

I was in the kitchen getting something to drink when I felt a pang in my stomach, I  realizing that I haven't hunted in awhile, I decided to go hunt. As I stepped outside, feeling the breeze go through my hair as I took off at full speed jumping over big rocks and climbing trees; then the sweet smell of blood filled my nostrils as I felt my fangs come out and eyes change color. I followed the scent and then stopped as I saw a huge grey wolf biting into something that seemed like a body, as I got a closer look at the body I felt the color leave my face. There dead laid everyone I loved in a heap. I couldn't do anything as I let out a gasp. The wolf heard me and popped it's head up and snarled at me, I backed up and suddenly tripped over something making me fall to the ground with a 'thud'. I crawled back on my elbows but the wolf put it's paw on my chest and went for the bite.


I jolted awake and shot up into a sitting position, feeling my chest and neck to check for bite marks. I sighed in relief as I realize it was just a dream, I looked out the window to see the skies grey and gloomy.

" Haven, are you ok?", Harry's raspy voice asked and I swallowed loudly.

" Yeah, I just had a nightmare.", I said and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

" You want to talk about?"

" no."

" Ok.", he answered with a yawn and I got up out of bed to go downstairs. When I made it to the kitchen I found Rebecca with her head in her hands.

" Why are you up sweetheart?", I asked and she lifted her head her eyes should a hint of gold in them.

" My stomach really hurts and foods not helping me.", she said and her voice cracked, I walked up to her and rubbed her back.

" It's ok, you have to feed sweetheart I'll take you and your sister so go get dressed." She nodded and went to the room. I went back to my room and quietly pulled on jogging pants and sneakers, going down to find both girls dressed.

( A/N: Outfit: Violet on the left Rebecca on the right)

 " Alright lets go.", I said and we left through the back door walking into the woods and I stopped turning to them.

" Ok I want you both to close your eyes and focus on your hearing and smell. Nothing else ok.", I did the same thing as they did and I smelt the blood of an animal but didn't say anything when I turned around I saw Violet had her eyes open already and Rebecca as well, they sniffed the air and I moved out the way to let them get there hunt.

" Go.", I said and they took off running.


Rebecca's Pov ( yay)

All I could think about was




I felt my fangs push through the others and I ran faster, I looked at Violet and saw her climb into a near tree and I ran faster than her. I suddenly saw a herd of dears and stopped running looking into the trees I found Violet looking at the dears as well. I felt the growl come from my chest and the dears started to running after them and Violet came down next to me as well and we chased them. A dear separated from the pack and I went for it, I jumped into a near by tree and pounced onto it's back making it fall to the floor and I grabbed it's neck and opened my mouth wide and sank my fangs into it's neck. I made my grip tighter as it started it thrash around, I put my hand near it's head and squeezed till I heard a loud ' crack' and the body went limp allowing the blood to slide down my throat with ease. When there was no more blood I dropped the body and turned around to find Violet behind me her faced stained in blood.

" You alright?", I asked and she nodded. I heard a 'thud' and turned to find our mom who was wiping her mouth with her hand. She looked at me and her eyes were gold.

" Feel better?", she asked and we both nodded. I felt stronger and I liked feeling stronger, it felt good.

" Let's head back.", she said and took off towards the house with us following.


Violets Pov ( yay again)

 When we got to the house, I saw dad, and my uncles standing outside the house.

" You took the girls on the first hunt without us!?", dad asked and he sounded mad and mom rolled her eyes.

" They were having pains, what am I going to do let them be in pain!", mom exclaimed and dad eyes change color and so did moms. He got in her face and I got mad suddenly not liking where this is going. I felt my body heat up and then my hands, I looked at them and saw fire coming out of them.

" What the hell?!?!!?", I yelled and looked at my hands seeing fire come from palms. I faced my palm out toward a tree and the fire came out like water.  I stared in shock as the tree was on fire and it was bright, I started to cry and the flame got stronger and hotter.

" Zayn put out the fire.", dad yelled and uncle Zayn's eyes became gold and rain started to pour on us as the fire died down and the rain stopped. I turned slowly and saw everyone staring at me and I ran into the house not looking back. Not even after hearing my sister call my name.

" Violet!!!!"

  Hey guys :) again

double update and this chapter goes to @Twinz4life.

So Violet got her powers but what is Rebecca's? Comment a power you think she should have and I'll pick one of them :)

Byye guys :)

Rethinking the Unthinkable ( sequel to DTU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt