Chapter 16

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    Rebecca's Pov

 I was yet again in my cell and I was bored, the man who kidnapped us, or Nick as we found out his name, decided as punish to make the boys put us in the room for hurting his sister. I took my heels off and sat on the floor with my legs crossed and decided to play with my powers a little. I started to take deep breathes and opened my palms to see If I felt something, I suddenly felt some sort of pull through the air and I felt myself being lifted from the ground; I opened my eyes and saw that I was In the air and everything was floating  around me, the rocks, my heels, everything. I laughed to myself, watching everything start to circle around me; suddenly I stopped once I heard the rock slide open and I closed my hands causing me to fall on the floor and groan.

" What are you doing?", a voice said and I rolled my eyes, I knew it was Issac; he stood over my laying body that was on the floor.

" Well you didn't give me a real bed so I'm on the floor, stupid.", I lied and he chuckled sitting down next to me and I got up moving away from him.

" Why do you keep doing that?", he asked and I stared at him like he had multiple arms and horns.

" Because you kidnapped me and my sister, I don't like you and I don't want to be near you.", I exclaimed and he shrugged.

" It's not like you have a choice, Rebecca, your stuck here until the fight and there's nothing you can do about it.", he said and I scrunched my eyes brows together, confused.

" What fight?", I asked and he got up smirking at me, my eyes followed his movements.

" You said you didn't want to be near me so I decided that I'll show you your new room later and then we can talk.", he said and I widen my eyes getting up. Walking towards him.

" Ok, can you show me the new room; I'm tired of this cell.", I said and he nodded his head for me to follow him and I did.

 We reached a staircase after walking for a good 10 minutes, he reached the top of the stair case to see a door; turning the handle I was met with bright light making me cover my eyes with my hands, once I was ok I realize that I was in a basement the whole time. I continue to follow Issac as we reached the main room of the house, it had a white spiral staircase with no railings My mouth parted slightly as I saw that the ceiling had bolts of electricity going across it, and they were moving.

" C'mon, I have places to be you know.", Issac said annoyed and I rolled my eyes. I pulled up my dress about to take a step on the bottom stair when I felt breeze past my feet causing the dress to move forward slightly. I turned my head to see the front door and it was open ever so slightly, my eyes glanced back at Issac who was on the top of the stair case; backing away slowly I made a run for the door. I threw it open and saw that there as a wide open space in the front of the house. I feel like I haven't been outside for so long, I missed the smell of the green grass and the feeling of fresh air.

" REBECCA!!", I heard Issac shout and I took off the front stairs picking up my dress higher I used vampire speed to run, watching everything go by as a blur. Glancing behind me I saw Issac's silhouette coming up faster, all I saw was the color of his gold eyes blazing; I ran faster reaching up great speeds coming closer to the forest. Once I made it I jumped into the nearest tree and continued from there once I changed trees I hid behind the trunk and heard his footsteps disappear in the distance, I looked over the branch I was standing on to see the coast was clear and I sighed finally catching my breath.

" Looking for someone?", a voice questioned and I spun around to see Issac behind me and suddenly my foot slipped and I was falling to the ground. I landed with a ' thud' and I groaned flipping to my stomach. I got on my knees and picked my self up slowly, a soft 'thud' was heard and I turned to look at Issac whose eyes were blazing gold. I felt mine change as well and I crouched down growling at him. He growled loudly at me showing his canines and I showed him my fangs, I jumped at him with my fist in the air and he dodge the hit causing my fist to hit the ground. I turned around to see him swing at me but I flashed behind him jumping on his back. I grabbed his hair and yanked it back causing him to stumble back, I used my other hand to claw at his face feeling wetness on my fingers; my back came in contact with the tree pain shot through my back and I let him go falling to the floor. I closed my eyes and hissed in pain, when I opened them I saw Issac breaking a branch off the tree and flipping it within his hands. He looked at me and then hurdled the branch at me in great speeds.


Is it Issac or Isaac?


Rethinking the Unthinkable ( sequel to DTU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant