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Today, I am getting to interview one of my favorite authors, Ramshaaaaa. I am sure many of you must have heard/read her two very famous books, Steal my Heart and its sequel, Heal my Heart. If you haven't read these books, you are missing on something really interesting.

Anyways, starting with the interview,

-> So tell us something about yourself (age, nationality, hobbies, etc.)

 Well, I'm 16. Indian. I'm currently studying social sciences and humanities and when I'm not writing, I'm reading. Or studying. Or just lying about.

->  Oh, that's cool. How did you start writing? Was it your passion or you read many books and wanted to try writing?

  Ever since I first held a story book, I absolutely fell in love with words. I used to write little poems and short stories when I was young. All of that got left behind when I grew up. When I was thirteen, I went on through a tough phase. When I turned fifteen, I decided to rekindle my passion for writing again. And here we are. It's more than just a hobby. It's a passion, a way of life and one of the few things which keeps me going. 

-> Wow, amazing. So did your books get reads and votes slowly or was it quite quick? How did you feel about it? 

  Steal my Heart took a long, long time to get votes. Almost nine months to hit one million. I didn't really care. All I wanted was feedback. But I appreciate all the reads and votes and I am thankful to everyone who has supported me.  

-> That must be a tough period. Do you interact with your readers? Why or why not?

  I always do. I reply to all PMs, messages and DMs. Why not? If people are being sweet by taking time out to make me smile or to talk to me, I don't see a reason as to why I shouldn't talk to them. Weren't they the ones who helped me reach the place where I am? 

-> Of course we are ;). According to you, which is your best book and why? 

Astray, which I'm currently writing. Even though Steal my Heart is the most loved one, it is not really my favourite. Astray, on the other hand, is really well planned and hits at all te right places along with dealing with so many social issues. 

-> Am sure people will understand that. Now, coming to an end, what do you think about this interview?

I think you're a pretty great person and the questions were right on point. Thank you so much. I'm honored, really.   

Oh, Thank you for that, you are amazing too. Thank you for giving this interview.

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