chapter 20

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We walked in and I saw most of the class sitting in a bunch of clumps.

I showed him 2 seats at the back.


We sat in the back of the room. We sat out stuff down and waited for the bell to ring for class to start. I heard a lot of whispering and confused faces. They were making me uncomfortable.

Before I could do anything the bell rang. The teacher walked in holding a clipboard. "Hello class today we have a new student. Could you please come and introduce yourself dear" she said pointing to me.

I stood up and looked at Attica she nodded. I nodded as well "here I go" I thought. I walked to the front of the room. "Hello I am Ben, Ben Drowned. I just moved here when my dad got a work thing". "I hate lying like this" I thought.

"Do any of you have questions for Ben?" the teacher asked. A few people put up their hands. I pointed to a girl "do you have a girlfriend?" she asked I blushed I wanted to say yes. But they would ask who or maybe not. "Yes I do" I said she sighed.

I pointed to a boy "are you wearing contact lenses?" he asked. I nodded "cool man" he said. I nodded then walked back to my seat.


"Stupid Lindsay asking Ben if he had a girlfriend in front of everyone like that" I thought. After classes it was lunch time. I met up with Jeffy amd Ben. Ben and I had the same classes all day.

We found a table at the back of the cafeteria and ate our lunches. In the middle of the lunch period a few girls came to our table. "Um can we sit with you?" they asked "no we're full" I said annoyed "we weren't talking to you. Who even are you?" they asked rudely.

I stood up "too bad because I was talking to you now scram" I said darkly. They looked mortified and left. I sat back down "your awesome sis" Jeffy said amazed "yeah Attica what kind of look did you give?" Ben asked smiling. "A evil one" I smirked.

"Ugh I hate Lindsay and her friends" I said realizing they were the few girls. After the eating period was over we went outside. "Hey I am going to hang out with the boys from my class" Jeffy said running away. I laughed.

Ben and I walked to a quite area and sat down. "so how you liking your first day?" I asked putting my head on his shoulder. "It is really uncomfortable to he honest" he said leaning his head on mine.

"I am sure it will get better" I reassured. I closed my eyes for literally a second before I heard footsteps in front of us. I opened them and saw 2 boys in grade 11. I've had to deal with these 2 before.

I stood up and crossed my arms. "What do you want? You idiots" I asked rudely. "we aren't here for you" they said pushing me aside. They went over to Ben who fell asleep. "Hey freak wake up" one of them said his name was Connor.

"Leave him alone Connor" I yelled but the other one held me back. His name was Troy. "Let me go Troy before I kick your little ass like I did before" I said angrily. "We have grown stronger since then" Troy said. "Oh but he doesn't know what I did though" I thought.

I pushed his arm away and ran over to Connor and Ben. Connor had Ben in his hand by the collar. He was still sleeping though. I giggled which caught Connor's attention "what's so funny shrimp?" he asked "I just remembered I don't need to be afraid that you will hurt him" I said.

"How are you so sure huh girly?" he asked. "Um question do you want to be beat by me again or by him?" I asked pointing to the sleeping Ben. "I have a better idea" Troy said. "I'm listening" I said smirking.

"Meet our newest friend. See while you were gone a few new students joined our class" Connor said throwing Ben down. I cringed.


I wasn't fully asleep. I could hear and feel every thing but I didn't feel like reacting. I felt like I was thrown to the ground. That's when I woke up.

I stood up and opened my eyes. I saw not 2 but 3 boys surrounding Attica. 2 of them I didn't recognize but one of them seemed familiar.

"Hey kid don't I know you from somewhere?" I asked pointing to him. He shook his head "no". "Striped scarf, black Jacket, brown hair." I said examining him. "Your the boy from the picture." I said finally remembering. "But your hair is different" I said.

"What picture" Attica and he said in unison. "The one in Jeff's room" I said. "From the context in the photo I would were his brother" I said. "I don't have a brother" he said.

"Then why would one of my best friends have a picture of you in his room?" I asked eyeing him. "I don't know" he said getting nervous.


"What picture?" I thought. "I know" I thought. I went into his head "Wow OK" I thought.

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