Joeys parents :12

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A\N ughhhh.... I'm so sorry I took so long to update ... and I haven't had much time to update like at all.... I swear on all my band merch I will update

Shane's POV

I took joeys hand in mine and said " Joey I love you so much "  Joey looked at me adoringly with his brilliant blue eyes.

"Oh my I love you so much Shane!! Shane Shane Shane wake up !" Joeys voice changed to a much more feminine voice that sounded so familiar , I just couldn't put my finger on it.  " Shane Shane wake up you dummy. "I felt myself being shook .

" Joey stop , what's wrong?"   I said, The feminine voice chuckles As Joey gets farther away. All of a sudden I felt myself being sprayed by water  .

I shot straight up eyes wondering the room looking for Joey I stop when I see Trish on the floor laughing hysterically with a pink spray bottle in her hand.

" You should have heard yourself you were all like Joey I love you so much  then you were like Joey stop what's wrong?  " she said  mocking a mans voice . "

"You are in so deep and I don't even think you realize it."

I almost blushed except I was to tired to comprehend the embarrassment I was feeling  . " I'm just kidding it was kinda  cute actually." She said with a kind smile I just groaned and rolled back into the couch so I could fall back asleep.

" no no no Shane you gotta get up it is nearly 1 o'clock and I gotta be at work by 1:15."  Trish said  when I didn't move she sighed and said " you know what let yourself out, don't forget to lock the door !" She yelled as she made her way to the door and left .

Ring ,Ring ,Ring 
No why does the universe hate me!i reached over and grabbed my phone
" Hello you have reached Shane's email leave a message after the beep beeeeep" I was pretty sure I nailed it until I heard A laugh. Joeys laugh.
" Oh Shane! What am I going to do with you?"
" feed me and love me?" I said still half asleep
" Sounds like a plan , but you need to wake up ! I am going to see my family today and I don't wanna go alone so you are coming with me!"

" Ugh. Do I have to??" I said, not wanting to remove myself from this comfy as hell couch.

" Yes you do Mister! Now get up ! I'm coming to get you at 2 so be ready!!

" Fineee." I said finally giving in.I picked myself up , put my shoes on and trudged myself to the door and outside to my car.

When I got home I walked into my room and jumped into the shower .
When I was finished I felt refreshed and ready to go. After getting dressed in random clothes I walked into my kitchen and saw that it was 1:44 and I heard a knock at the door .

Joeys POV

Knock knock knock I found myself at Shane's door at nearly 1:45 . I didn't exactly tell Shane the real reason we were going over there was to meet my parents new neighbors, what? I didn't lie I just know his  new people skills are practically extinct and he never would have agreed.

When me and Shane got to my parents house we. Noticed 3 cars in the driveway 1 being my parents the other 2 must be our mystery guest. Shane looked at me and said

"you lied to me !"

After about 10 min of trying to talk Shane into going into the house. We finally make our way to my parents front door and open it .

Okay I didn't write a long chapter ... I just didn't want to keep you guys waiting to long so yeah... Happy thanksgiving my little guppies!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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