Coming out as Shoey:2

533 22 4

Shane's POV

Today's the day when we tell are fans that we are going to do The Dating challenge to be honest I don't even know why they voted for us to do this , If they are thinking that at the end of these 2 months we will be together they are surely mistaken. I will admit that I do find Joey very very (and maybe a few more very's) attractive, but does that mean I would date him? .... No.

I got out of my bed walked over to my closet , and pulled out a blue denim button up , and some skinny jeans. After I changed I decided to get some food at McDonalds before I went over to joeys house to vlog . When I got to McDonald's I ordered a large fry , cause let me tell you they are sooo good.

                                          Joey's POV
The sound of a door knocking vibrated through my house and sent Wolf crazy. I walked to the door and pulled it open .Shane stood there he wore a blue denim top and some skinny jeans . To be honest I am glad that if I have to fake date anyone it is going to Shane .

"Hey Shane " I spook in a cheery voice . I am kinda excited about this challenge .Some of the rules are a bit strange ,but it's gonna be fun.
"Ok let's do this ." He spoke as he stuck a few fries in his mouth making it sound like "Doh Fay fets dude fis" I had to stifle a chuckle that was threatening to come out.

"Come on in." I spoke after I managed to restrain myself. He walked on in , Shane and I walked into my living room and began to set up the camera. We decided to post it on Shane's account first

" Hey what's up you guys . I know a lot of you guys out there voted for us to do The dating challenge to be honest I don't really know what you were thinking , but a lot of people seemed to vote for it sooooo I guess we are going to do it."

" The rules are within that time we can not date other people, we have to go out on dates and we  have to take a video and upload it each day. " I said confidently I turned to Shane to see if we missed anything . He was on his knee with a blue raspberry ring pop in his hand ,Wait where did he get that ring pop.

" Joey ......Will you be my fake boyfriend of 2 months?" Shane said still done on 1 knee
"Of course !!!" I said with fake enthusiasm .
Shane slid the blue ring pop on my finger. When we finished up I noticed how late it was getting ,so Shane said his goodbyes and left to go home. I decided it was time to go to bed so I walked into my room slid of my clothes , put on my pajamas and hopped in bed slowly letting the darkness consume me.

{A/N} Sorry I haven't updated in a while I will make sure that my next update is like long . Don't be a ghost reader!!!!! Tell me what you think and if you don't like it tell me why!!!!!! Well bye Blue_Jumper

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