Part Twelve: Katie Blurted

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Liv's POV:

"Hey, Annie, I'll be right back," I said. "I've gotta go to the bathroom quick."

"Okay," she said.

Good. She wasn't acting like she was suspicious of anything.

I walked over to the bathroom, went in, and didn't go, of course. I didn't actually need to go to the bathroom. I just wanted to get away from Katie for a little bit. 

I splashed some water in my face to keep me awake first since sitting and waiting for it to be school time was really boring and made me tired. Then I thought about how I could approach my problem. 

I decided I would just get into school right away so that if Katie talked to me I could just act like I didn't hear her because of school.


"What class are you doing first?" Annie asked.

"I'm doing Science," Katie replied.

"Um... I was talking to Liv," Annie said.

"I'm doing Math," I said, giving Katie a look.

Katie turned and got her headphones out of her backpack. Then she started Science class.

I pulled out my phone and turned the sound off. I nudged Annie and motioned for her to do the same thing.


Liv: Why do you think Katie did that?

Annie: I'm not sure. What have we even done to her? She's the one that's done everything bad.

Liv: Yeah! You've just been helping me through my head injury.

Annie: I know. WAIT LIV.

Liv: What?

Annie: Don't look now, but when I glanced up, I saw Katie looking at us like she wanted to do something really bad to us.

Liv: Um... That's kinda scary...

Annie: KINDA?


Annie and I laughed for a moment.

"Girls, are your phones out?" Coach Mary asked.

Annie looked over at me with a concerned look on her face.

"Yes they are, Coach Mary. Remember the rule you have about no phones during school?" Katie blurted.

"Yes, I do. Thank you for telling me, Katie," Coach Mary said. "Now, girls. What were you two doing on your phones?"

"Oh, I was showing Annie a game. A character looked like her. She just... She wanted to know how to play it so I told her and then she wanted to get the game, too," I lied.

"Okay... Do that another time, though, Liv, and..."

"Yes, ma'am."


- Longer chapter! Yay!

- Just a heads up, I'm going on vacation next week so I'm probably not going to post any new chapters. I'll try and post more this week to kinda make up for that. Sorry!

- Comment what you think will/should happen in the next chapter!

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