Wings - Castiel

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At 12:57 A.M. on a Sunday you sat alone in a room with the lights turned off, not daring to open your eyes. Sam, an incredibly close friend of yours, sat outside of your room, a mask of worry entirely covered his kind and friendly features. His older brother, Dean, was off on a hunting trip and, hopefully, wouldn't be back for a few days. Sam worried that if he were to find out about your current state he wouldn't be able to function for God knows how long. The brothers cared for you so, so very much, and they made that very clear. You grew up with them, side by side since forever. Seeing the three of you apart was like seeing conjoined twins in separate places. It was almost a sin to even think of the three of you apart. That's how it felt to you when Dean was gone from you and Sammy.

So, taking in all that, the fourth member of the band felt minorly discluded. Castiel, your favorite angel. He didn't mind the boys giving you most of their attention, and you didn't mind when it's the other way around. Infact, you love seeing the way Cas's face lights up when the boys decide to spend some time with their friend, or the way he furrows his brow when introduced to something new that confuses him. His blue eyes getting a few shades lighter when his expression softens.

"(Y/N), please, talk to me," Sam's voice echoed into your room, breaking your train of thought. You couldn't see him enter, but you heard the door open and his loud footsteps bouncing off the wood floors. You further buried your face into your arms and knees. Your old bed creaked as Sam sat on your mattress and set a large and gentle hand on your shoulder, bending over slightly to reach you.

"I can't see. Actually, I don't want to see... whatever this is," you knew the moment you opened your eyes the witches spell that had been previously placed on you would torture you once again. In a rather gruff tone, you said, "I'm seeing colors that don't exist, Sammy."

He opened his mouth to speak, but only a small sound escaped before his phone began to buzz. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket and held it up to his ear. "Hello? Dean? Yeah, the Witch Hunt went... almost swimmingly," He pulled a small face as Dean raised his voice, due to being able to tell when his sibling was bluffing. Almost immediately after Sam had finished his sentence shouting bursted through the phone, alerting you of Dean's concern. "Dean, it's okay. (Y/N) is under a small spell, but it'll go away in a few days," More screaming from Dean was heard as Sam pulled the phone a little farther away from his face, so not to cause ear trauma. "Three or four. I'll explain the rest when you get here."

Three or four more days of being in fear of opening my eyes. Peachy, you thought.


After a bit of pleading Sam to leave you be, he finally complied and let you sit in the dark a bit longer. Before leaving you, he put your ipod on shuffle for you, remembering how much you hate to be alone with your thoughts in the dark. The first song that was randomly selected was Car Radio, by Twenty Øne Pilots. You found it ironic that a song about listening to your own thoughts would play when you were avoiding just that. Eventually, as you knew it would, a song you weren't in the mood for came along it's merry way. You wondered for a minute if it was worth it or not. Eventually, you thought if you were to do it quickly enough the terrible throbbing headache that came with the new colors wouldn't have time to surface.

You opened your eyes wide, and without a second to spare the overwhelming of colors without names flooded into your eyes, overwhelming your brain. You fluttered your eyes to adjust. Once you adjusted you skipped the song faster than should be possibly, but kept your eyes open a little longer, seeing as how the headache didn't show any signs of coming. That was your first mistake. A headache worse than you could possibly fathom hit you like a bullet to the brain. The bullet transformed into a bomb and exploded and went into every crevice of your mind, slowly ebbing its way to the edge of your skull and starting at the initial blast.

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