Chapter 21: Natsu and Gray's Tag Team

Start from the beginning

As Gray stood up, Natsu went ahead and let out an attack.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

Virel smirked.  "You think that's going to work, again?"

Raising his hand just as last time, Virel made Natsu's fire evaporate, and left the air empty.

"Damn..."  Natsu muttered, clenching his teeth.

Virel surged forward, surprising both of them.  Natsu prepared himself as Virel rushed towards him; he lifted his fist in the air, and attempted to slam it into Virel.  However, as soon as Virel got close, he disappeared, leaving Natsu to make a noise of shock and surprise.  

Then, a second later, the dark mage reappeared, in mid-motion of bringing his foot to Natsu's back.

Completing the action before Natsu could comprehend his speed, Virel slammed his heel into Natsu's back, and the fire dragon slayer made a noise of pain.  Sailing forward, Natsu was forgotten and Gray turned to look out of surprise, stunned by Virel's speed.

"What the--?!"  Gray started, but Virel disappeared again, and reappeared in a second after that, grabbing ahold of Gray's arm and shoving him forward.

Virel slammed his knee cap into Gray's abdomen, making him cough loudly as the air escaped his lungs.  Throwing Gray away, Virel tossed him into the air and slammed his shin into his side, making Gray skyrocket through the air and slam into the wall to the right of Lucy, quite a ways away.

"Gray!"  Lucy exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"H-He's fast..."  Gray muttered, dropping to his knees as he clutched his stomach, glaring at Virel.

Virel had picked up Natsu, and pushed him up against the wall.  Virel chuckled huskily, pleased with his current advantage.  Natsu dug his nails into Virel's forearm, but Virel resisted, still hanging onto Natsu's throat.

Virel's eyes were crazed.  "What's wrong, Fairy Tail?  Can't handle me anymore?  Too looks like I'll win after all!"

"We ain't done yet!"  Natsu gurgled through his throat, pissed.

Lighting his fists and even his arms on fire, Natsu made his flames sear into Virel's skin, making the old enemy hiss and pull away abruptly.  Natsu dropped to the ground, but used it as an advantage and landed on his hands, swinging his legs to the side and making Virel's feet come up from under him.  Kicking him away, Natsu stood up again, panting as he stared at Virel, who was pulling himself back up to his feet.

"Time is almost up, Salamander!"  Virel barked.  "If you don't get out of my way now, I'll obliterate you!"

Natsu smirked.  "Oh?  Now you are ordering me?  Well, a news flash for you; it's already pretty obvious I'm not going anywhere."

Gray slammed his hands into the ground, making it splinter and crack.  His eyes covered in shadow, he drew the attention of Virel, who glared at the ice mage.

However, Gray had already started.

"Ice Make: Floor!"

Ice shattered into existence, covering the entire floor.  Lucy looked in shock as there was a ring of ground around both her, Charle, and Wendy.  Gray had controlled his ice so that it wouldn't touch Lucy or the others.

However, Virel was knocked off balance.

Natsu took his chance, the ice melting under his feet so that he had a firm stance on the ground.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Natsu slammed his hand into Virel's shoulder, making him turn abruptly to the side as the force registered throughout his body.  Virel was sent flying the other way, but he soon regained his stance, dropping to the ground as he skid backwards against the ice.  Surprisingly, he stopped, and stood with more balance than before.

Fairy Tail: Nightmares and Feelings ❖ (A NaLu Fan Fiction) {Sequel to I.W.A.F!!}Where stories live. Discover now