Chapter 6

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The next time you had gone back to school was a Friday. You had heard rumors of the Detective Prince being single once again. You sat next to Naoto and questioned her about it before class began. She answered any questions you had after covering her eyes with her hat, though you could still see the small blush that hid beneath. You took her hat away and placed it on your own head, her blush had gotten worse and you giggled to yourself.

"G-give it back.. I mean it." She tried to reach out for it and you had simply backed away and out of her reach. You were about to open your mouth when the teacher had walked in. You handed it back and listened intently to the lecture. You felt as if your knowledge on the subject had increased.


You had decided to spend your time alone. You went up too the rooftop but saw Chie, Yu, Yukiko, and Yosuke already there. You waved at them and decided to join them instead, You felt your bond with the group grow significantly as it had been the first time any of you had spent any time together since you had been released from the hospital.

After School:

You had gone back home with Naoto accompanying you. You made sure Seizon-Sha was fed and had water before sitting on your bed and studying the material with Naoto. She had gone home before it had gotten too dark out and you decided it was a nice time for a shower. Changing into something more comfortable made you realize how hungry you had been. You ate and waited for your food to settle before finally heading to bed.

The next day had gone along similar lines. Sunday, Naoto had come over and spent a day that consisted of watching movies and sloppy make outs. You were in the middle of one when Seizon-sha had decided it was a nice time to join in on the fun. You felt his tongue on your cheek and jolted when he barked in your ear. He jumped on your stomach and barked in your face again, his tail wagging. "It would seem that he wants to go out." Naoto smiled and tipped her hat. You ran your hand through the dogs fur and thought about were you could take him.

After some thought, you decided to just walk him around the neighborhood with Naoto. You even went into town to buy some tofu for dinner. This time you had been the one to insist on her staying the night. She had agreed without much of a fight. You had both taken separate showers and fallen asleep soon after changing.

You had all gathered at the food court the next day after school to enter the tv world. Apparently, a powerful shadow was in Nanako's dungeon. Teddie and Rise were getting worried so Yu had gone in with a small team, that included you, to fight it. It was very successful. You had gotten a tad bored given how tedious the task was sometimes but you had all managed to defeat it. You had slept well that night. Especially since a certain detective was sleeping beside you. She had been spending all the time she could with you lately. Hell, a part of your closet became hers since she had been staying over so much.

It had just felt right. It felt natural. How your arm fit just perfectly under hers, how her arm fit just perfectly across your back. How your hand always managed to get caught in her hair, and how hers always managed to caress your cheek. Even how your legs would just tangle together with hers effortlessly. Neither of you needed to try, yet you both tried so hard. You thought that's what really made you two work. The simple need to try for each other when there was no need to. When everything was just perfect how it was. Yet you both strove to make it better, possibly without even realizing it.

The next morning, you had planted a kiss on her cheek as you always did when the two of you woke up together. She smiled and slowly opened her eyes. "Well, morning." You giggled, brushing some strands of hair out of her face. "Good morning." She closed her eyes and nuzzled further into you "Must we really get out of bed this morning?" You made a small chuckle noise and rolled your eyes. "Yes, and I have to feed Seizon-sha so move." She laughed and got up "You take better care of that dog then you do your own girlfriend." You blushed as you stood up. It had been the first time she had referred to you as such. "Are you saying you want to be treated like a dog Naoto-kun?" She scoffed and shook her head "As if." She had a rare goofy smile on her face, a smile she reserved for you. You fed the dog, took a shower, changed, ate, made lunch, then finally went to school with Naoto.


You had shared your lunch with Kanji to make sure there were no hard feelings. He didn't seem to care, only mentioning that as long as you two were happy he was too. If you weren't gay as the day and been born hella gay, you're heart probably would have skipped a beat at him being such a gentleman.

After School:

Naoto had surprised you by taking you out on a date. She was blushing like a madwoman the entire time, but it had been fun. She had taken you to see a movie at Okina station, taken you to the bookstore and offered to buy you whatever you wanted, then taken you back to Inaba to eat and simply walk around and be together before it had gotten too dark out. Seizon-sha was barking excitedly when you arrived home. You gave his head a good couple of pats before feeding him and giving him water. You took a shower and changed. While in the shower you thought about the lecture you had heard. It raised your understanding and knowledge of the material. After changing, you decided to study a tad bit more before falling asleep.

The rest of the week was quiet. No one really knew what to say or do really. You had just fought Adachi and Ameno-Sagiri. Christmas had come before any of you knew it. You would laugh to yourself at how effortlessly it was for life to simply carry on despite the real world almost being engulfed by the tv world and shadows. But for some reason, everything felt off. As if you hadn't really solved the case, as if there was still something left to do. Maybe you just realized how soon Yu would be leaving and simply did not want it to end.

Seeing Nanako over the winter break had everyone in high spirits again. Yu had gotten sick for a time though. Teddie had watched over him. Meanwhile, Naoto was fast asleep in your arms. Your parents had gone to some resort in America and had left you at the house to watch over Seizon-sha and because you had plans to go to on a ski trip. However, those plans had been aborted after Yu had gotten sick. Your parents were still gone though so she had insisted on staying with you. You had known better than to fight it and let her stay.

You felt the drastic change in the dynamic between the two of you. When you first saw each other, she didn't bother speaking to you. Let alone kiss you at the most random moments. You couldn't even remember how many times you almost burned down the house after getting distracted by her. All she would do afterwards was offer a sly smile as you glared at her and got distracted again, with the stove off that time though. You giggled softly at how close you two had become in such a short time. You kissed the palm of her hand and ruffled her hair gently, careful not to wake her up.


Valentines Day.

You had gone to school with chocolate for everyone. You had figured a while back that this day wasn't just meant for giving a gift to the person you were going out with. It was a day to show the people whom you care about that you mattered to them. Everyone had been amazed at how well it tasted. You simply brushed everyone off as being nice. After everything that happened the day before though, everyone deserved a break. Rescuing Marie had been no easy task but, as always, you somehow managed it under your leader. You felt sad that he was going to be leaving soon but otherwise, did not mention it.

You left to the rooftop to find Naoto sitting down. She seemed to be deep in thought. You sat next to her an questioned what was wrong. "I have been running it over in my head and, despite finding Adachi and taking down Ameno-Sagiri, I feel as if we are missing something. I do not think this case is over yet." You nodded in agreement "Should we tell the others?" She shook her head "I do not wish to worry them, it is all simply what is going through my head at the moment. But perhaps it is no coinci-" You had cut her off with a kiss, which she gladly returned. "I love you, but has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?" You smiled playfully and stole her hat.

After School:

After playing with Seizon-sha and giving him food and water, you went into your room with Naoto. The two of you studied for a while. As you stood up and stretched, you felt arms wrap around your waist. You knew instantly what she wanted. It still didn't change the fact that you didn't know when your mom and dad would be home. But...You just couldn't help but cave. You moved first, turning around, cupping her cheeks, and kissing her like it was the last day of your life. When it was all said and done, you had found yourself in bed holding the woman of your dreams. You had just hoped none of the neighbors heard anything. "Naoto...I love you. I really do." She kissed you gently "If you stated otherwise, I would be worried. I love you too." After a quick shower, among other things, and changing into fresh clothes(and changing the bedsheets), the two of you finally went to sleep.

Human (Fem!Reader x Naoto Shirogane)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora