The Wiccan Chosen One (Chap. 16)

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             “Why are you meeting with her?”

             “I need to see if she has any information on what is happening with my grandmother, she would know if Sara had attacked recently and if there is any immediate danger there.”

             “You can get that information by other means.”

             “But those other means involve magic that allows me to see what is happening there and if I would see my family, I might be weakened enough in my resolve to go back, thus placing them in even more danger.”

             She narrowed her eyes at me, knowing that I had a valid point. “I don’t like the feel of this. Why do you just keeping running into her family when you are in hiding and then she just invites you somewhere when she only knows you in the formal sense?”

             Those were my worries. “Aikaterine, my magic is so strong and I have enough control that I don’t even have to use spells anymore. If she attacks me, I should be able to handle it. You’ve been training me; you know that I could easily handle someone of her powers even if she decides to attack me. At any rate, she wouldn’t since it’s a public place and any self-respecting witch won’t risk exposure like that.” I hopped.

             “You can’t be sure of that.”

             “Neither can you be sure that I would be in any danger. I’m the Chosen One and she knows it, she wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and take me on. It would be suicide. She’s never been volatile to me-” at least outwardly “-since I have met her, why would she have reason to start now?”

             “As you have said, you are the Chosen One. The position is both feared and revered. Fear and desperation can do things to a person; it can lead them to doing things that they would otherwise never even contemplate. She may seem harmless to you, she may even seem like an angel, but since you are what you are, never trust one’s attitude towards you.” She sighed. “Go if you must, but be on alert on all times, never let your guard down or it may be the last thing that you do.”

             I didn’t like the sound of that. “Thank you, Aikaterine, I’ll remember that. I’ll be careful, I have been ever since I left.”

             “You say that now, child. Let us hope that you are saying that after you meeting with this Dyce woman.”

            Meeting someone after dark when you didn’t know their intentions or the place where you were meeting wasn’t the best idea that I’ve ever had. There was something… off, but I couldn’t quite tell what it was. I needed to know what was happening back home overpowered by urge to just leave town. As I pulled up to the diner where Delilah wanted to meet me and got out of my car, I was surprised at how deserted it was, sure, there were people there, but only three or four in the building, there should have been more people there at this time of night. Something was wrong.

             You should leave, child, Aikaterine said in my head. Leave now while you still have the chance. There is a… presence here. It is dangerous.

             Screw this. I needed answers but not right now. I’m the freaking Chosen One, I could make up a spell or something to get the answers I need. I spun around and quickly hurried back to my car. I should have expected it, heck, I should have sensed someone was hidden in the shadows, but I didn’t even know anyone was there until it was too late. Something hard and heavy smacked the back of my head and I went down.

The Wiccan Chosen One (The Sequel for A New Life)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя