I was disappointed in myself because I let him and his shit go on for too long. The guys in the past that I would with knew what I would and wouldn't put up with. I let him slide with things I should've never let slide. I broke my own rules and where did it get me? Without a faithful guy.

The shit between Tyler and I was repetitive and annoying. He knew how to use me and get me back, I didn't know what it was about him. I was officially done with him. I was tired and I didn't want to be heartbroken anymore. Looking back, I knew it was stupid of me to keep going back to him. Now, I didn't even want to see him.

The one thing I was glad about was that we didn't have kids. I wasn't Riah and I was glad for that. That would've made us connected for a lifetime and we would have no choice but to come together for the child. I wouldn't be the type of mother to keep the father away from his child that he wants to see.

Thank goodness we didn't have kids. That would've made things complicated and I didn't need that. I needed a clean break and needed time to focus on myself. I couldn't be bothered with most of these half ass dudes. They were a waste of my time and a waste of space that I didn't need trying to slide up and dip when they were done.

I was sitting on the couch, flipping channels when Asia called me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, you good?"

"I'm fed up."

"As you should be. You were dealing with a nigga with no self control and couldn't keep his dick in his pants. What you saw in him, I have no idea. He wasn't shit before, he ain't shit now, and he's sure ain't going to be shit in the future. You better be done with his ass this time because he hurts you too much. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a baby on you and begged for your forgiveness because he's that type of guy. I'm not going to tell you I told you so because you already dealing with a lot. Besides, I'm not that petty."

I chuckled a bit, "I know. I can't deal with his shit anymore. Like damn, it's been almost three years and he still couldn't get his shit together. Fuck him and his sorry ass dick. How did you know that we broke up?"

"His no good ass was just outside my apartment. I still want to know how he found out where I lived. I don't tell people where I stay, so he probably asked around or my neighbors or something. I don't know. He was telling me how you went off on him and of course, he tried coming onto me again and that's when Jermaine came and knocked his ass out. I wish I could've recorded it."

I laughed, "Jermaine is always hitting someone. I wish I was the one to punch Tyler straight in his face."

"I know, but are you alright? I'm tired of you going through the same shit with him. There's better guys out there. He's not the only one in the city. I want you to be happy with someone that's not going to fuck you over like he did over and over."

I sighed, "I'm tired of it too."

"What about Cairo?"

"......I don't know."

She sighed dramatically, "He's been wanting to be with you for the longest. You need to give him a chance. I know for a fact he would treat you better than Tito or whatever his name is," she said, giving Tyler another name.

"I'm scared."

"Of what? You scared of dating Cairo, but you can take Tyler back after he cheated on you how many times? Ny, that doesn't make sense. You're being the female that dates fuckboys and dodge the good guys. Yet you complain there's no good ones left when you have one in front of you. Is it something you're not telling me?"


"Are you sure? Don't lie to me."

"I'm sure," I said.

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