Chapter 27 - Unravel Time

Start from the beginning

Two things shocked me: The appearance of this person who looked exactly like me and secondly, the glowing of his eyes and his whispering growl had the essence of a werewolf's. I had to have been hallucinating, right. He couldn't be one. He couldn't.

My other version then continued his cocky, arrogant frothing speech, "I am you and i am better. This is simply because i have arrived from the future and now i am stuck here. I was here to finally finish off Katerina. She has been a pain for us for too long! But you're stupidity has caused us to be left empty-handed...again. Great.", he paced around the dungeon and again shouted, " Just great!".

I rested my head back.

My eyes felt dilated and i knew was in a state of complete shock.

I wondered if he was a werewolf again.

My...future self finally looked at my slumped self again and said, "And yes...i did unlock our werewolf side" and almost chuckled scarcely.

"You know this is as weird for you as it is for me" he guffawed childishly.


It had been over 400 years since i had ever travelled into the future and it still drove my mind to complete confusion and bewilderment. But i was thankful Elijah was here with me. After the portal had opened, one figure ran up the dungeon stairs and one exited towards me. A girl. She had my same hair color and skin tone. But her eyes were a lighter shade that looked angelically beautiful. She looked at me with astonishment and then told both of me and Elijah to come through the portal immediately.

There seemed like no other option.

 I had no idea where i would end up. I just took Elijah's hand and escaped from Klaus' dungeon for good..i imagined and hoped. The last time i had travelled was for...Nikole. I was emotionally sensitive and the thought of that made me awfully miserable and yet lightly joyful. Tears would've slipped right through me if Elijah hadn't held tightly onto my hand. I loved his warmth.

We ended up in a large room with wooden floorboards and just like that i was away from the bleakness that was Klaus' dungeon. I was glad. Going through the portal had caused me to feel slightly nauseated. Hmm...the effects of acute time travelling, i guess. 

I would hate to publicly admit it but i honestly had felt that back in the dungeon i had arrived at the end. The end of my life. My long and painful life.  And for that to be the end without even seeing my child. Without even seeing Klaus' face slowly and painfully agonize in pain as he took his last breath would be a life that would be tragically incomplete. But with this chance to prolong my life, i knew couldn't waste a single second.

The girl paced around the front door of the wooden lodge. She checked the locks a couple times and thankfully i didn't hear any rusty squeaks otherwise i wasn't so sure about this house's durability. She looked out the window for a 1 minute and clenched the door handle for a second. Then she turned to look at us both.

She seemed astonished and trying to attempt to stay in control all at the same time. She tried to have a calm expression on her face but her eyes showed a child-like amazement and....hope. Yes, hope. Elijah looked slightly tired and i similiarly acknowledged the vervain in the dungeon's atmosphere still affected me aswell. I took his arm and put it over my shoulder. He looked at me and untruly smiled. I just remembered this is the first time he had ever even time travelled or even traversed in any way like this. He still smiled though. I was happy to be away from Klaus but most importantly to be with someone i love. 

The girl looked at my gown. It was completely dusted and even had some stains from tears at the bottom. The girl was wearing clothes that i found utterly unusual but rather sort of...practical. She wore trousers that were tighter than those men would even wear and she had on what i would call an undershirt but it showed not only her neck but cleavage areas. How...scandalous. The girl blinked and left the state she was in when she was focused on my gown. Again, she was astonished.

"I don't know what to say..." she told us both.

I took a moment to humour what she said because if she didn't know what to say then how in holy hell would the both of us. Elijah was more bewildered than calm looking now. Almost like a deer infront of a carriage's lantern lights.

"Well, start off by telling us where we are, because as you can see i am hardly finding these settings familiar to me" Elijah quickly reminded her. She looked sheepish and rather childish again. She was definitely younger than what my age was perceived to be. Maybe 16 years of age. Maybe. So...a child saved Katherine. You really are starting to get old...

"We're in the future..." i sharply stated. Elijah's arm on my shoulder slightly quivered and he had a look of complete pondering and light shock. The girl looked at me and nodded in agreement.

"You had told me she had travelled here before" she continued looking at Elijah.This statement even confused me. Elijah broke out of the look of pondering and now was completely confused. The girl continued, "Well not this version of you" she glanced at his mucky waistcoat that had two buttons missing, "...the future version of you.." she told him head on like this was a normal concept for any person.

After a moment, Elijah started openly laughing. Both me and the young girl looked distressed but i guess it was better he expressed his disbelief unlike myself who pretended everything was...normal externally.

"Umm.." the girl began to discuss further with Elijah but i moved closer to her and she stopped whatever it was she was going to say. I looked her in the eye and attempted to compel the truth out of her.

"Tell me your name..." i demanded from her.

She clenched her lips and awkwardly said, "I'm wearing a vervain bracelet..", i felt sort of embarrassed by being caught out but a vampires gotta do what a vampires gotta do. 

"And my name is..." she took a pause and looked me straight in the eyes as if she would compel me, "Nikole".

FELLOFFthehill's note:

Sorry, i am so so so late! 

Thank you for every single person who has read this story. Thank you for the support that you give me by just glancing at my work. Sorry if i've been neglecting my stories in general, i'm back now. And for good! :) 

I notice my author notes are always so long, so i'm gonna try to minimise them and actually focus on the story. ACTUAL WORK RATHER THAN PROMISES.

Love you readers. You keep me going. Seriously. 

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