Chapter 1 - NIGHT

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"Hey there son!!" i giggled with my tiny tiny Nikole. I had hardly enough money to get her anything that was suitable for a female baby, so all i had a was simple rags. The color of dark green, it made her look exactly like a boy. 

At that moment i felt tears in my eyes. I couldn't get my own child any proper clothes. I had hardly enough shillings for food and my drunken landlord was getting angrier each month, because each month i never had the money for rent. My job as a tailor for the glamorous women of Chelsea wasn't enough anymore, as i had less money for materials, i had less customers. The new materials costed more than a loaf of fresh bread. 

And fresh bread....not even a millionaire could afford. 

So i had to do things...actions that i would never be proud of, and would never forget.

I sang to my slowly resting angel in my native language of Bulgarian:

"Спи моят малък ангел

Бъдете дете за сега

Вашият Петрова кръв

Ще ви държи топло

В съня си тази вечер

Кралицата ще се поклони

Защото вие сте най-мъдрият

Чрез всяка буря "

This meant:

"Sleep my little angel

Be a child for now

Your Petrova blood

Will keep you warm

In your sleep tonight

The Queen will bow

For you are wisest

Through any storm"

Just like my mother sang to me, and my grandmother sang to my mother, and so on and so forth, my angel fell asleep listening to the Petrova family's traditional lullaby. I missed Bulgaria and i wasn't afraid to say it! I missed the Sun, the beautiful beaches, the friends i had known since birth, but most of all: I missed home. The feeling of being a bed that wasn't damp from the rain that seeped through a weak roof. The feeling of having a safe roof under you're head. The feeling of

But i would be naive if i ever thought i would be safe. 

I would never be safe. Not after what i saw in Bulgaria, when...the man with dark blonde hair and blue eyes came into our village. That's when everything changed. Now it could never possible be the same.

After tucking in my Nikole into her rusty cot, i pulled out the dirty ribbon that tied my hair together. Pulling it out rapidly, i let my long Petrova curls hang out and cascade down my back and the area of my cleavage. It was time to start work for the night.

 I closed my little wooden door to my 1 room...accommodation and left as the Moon began to rise in the sky, the light engulfed Nikole's sweet face as she slept peacefully. As long as she had a roof above her head, that was all that mattered. 

Making my way through Chelsea's cobbled streets, the candle-lit stands around the roads lit up my freezing face. You see, i was only wearing my beautiful burgundy dress that was very long, but it didn't exactly cover my cleavage. But i guess that was the point.

I decided not a lot of men would be walking the streets at this time of night, i so decided to look in the pubs.

The pub that caught my eye was the one being filled by drunkards, that would hopefully find me a being willing to waste some money on a...enjoyable time. I had to be careful though, some men were too handsy, too rough. I closed my eyes in a moment of sadness and opened my eyes to become: Katherine Pierce, beautiful and exotic prostitute.

Pushing through the black steel door, i watched the drunkards head twirl instantly to see my beaming face. But i was not here for them. I was here to find a lonely gentlemen. But i had discovered each night that was getting increasingly difficult of a task.

At the front of pub,where barrels of beer were being handed out, i saw one man sit on a stool and look down. His long hair looked like a knights and his clothes screamed he had power and money. He was perfect.

I walked up to him confidently, "Hello there sir, i would find it rather polite if you conversed with the owner to hand me a beer please?" i said to the man, who was looking down, in my English accent. I had stayed silent for the first few days in England, i had practised every hour of those days to get the accent perfect, so i observed each and every person. I concentrated on the people wearing the most beautiful attire, they were the richest, so their accents meant the most in England's society.

"May i say you're English accent needs a little work?" his condescending words made me want to drop my jaw and look down in embarrassment, but i was not a naughty girl eating too many raspberries anymore. I was a woman.

"Very amusing, sir. But i was born in this land and intending on dying here" i lied to him. I was not born here, and i was not dying in this shit-hole.

He turned around now, his eyes brown and full of pride, the sadness in his lips was trying to mask it self but being rigid. His long hair curled around his face. He looked more like a painting than a real man.

"Death isn't all it seems to be" he said mysteriously. That was...unusual.

Anyways, was he gonna join me in one of the back alleys or not, so i told him, "My name is Katherine Pierce" and i pursed my lips when i said the "Pi" of "Pierce", hoping it would arouse him even a little.

But instead he said while staring at me with his brown eyes, "My name is Elijah. Just Elijah."

THANK YOU SO MUCH! THANK YOU FOR READING AND GENERALLY CONSIDERING MY STORY AS SOMETHING YOU'D ENJOY TO READ. IT MEANS A LOT TO ME.....Basically just comment below or message me on my message board if you think i should continue this STORY! :D I enjoyed writing it that's for sure! A new interesting HISTORY TO EXPLORE/CREATE! Generally give me feedback, i know i'm asking for something that can be really boring, so if you don't wanna do it, i DON'T MIND! :D I STILL LOVE YOU JUST AS MUCH! But the people who commented are just....a tinge big more special to me now ;) LOOOOOOL :D GAWD I'M TOO WEIRD. BYSIES!

- FELLOFFthehill

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