Chapter 21 - Animal

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I grabbed my clothes and kissed Damon's sleeping body a goodbye. He looked like he would sleep the entire day away. His father would not like that at all. But i was glad. This day would be mine and Stefan's.

And the night would be mine and Elijah's. 

He he.

I felt like a teenage girl again. With every boy in the village at my feet giving me a rose. But which one was the best rose? 

Which rose did my heart love the most?

Who knew..who cared! I ran across the Salvatore property to Stefan's room quickly as possible. He smiled his gentle smile at me. Oh, that smile! My yearned to kiss him already. But not with his father's little irritating servants watching us like spies!

We immediately left to go to the lake.

As we got there, i watched Stefan immediately loosen up. He unbuttoned his shirt, took off his tie, along with his blazer and then he winked at me.

"Race you to the water" and with a wink, i knew i loved that young boy. He brought the child out in me. He made me feel...again.

I let him win the race. But as he splashes the water on me, i don't revert to the girly stereotype of screaming and saying a high pitched voice "No!" but instead i uses a little vampire speed to splash that water right back!

The water is not neither warm or cold. In fact, i don't notice or feel it at all. I just notice Stefan. In the ending Summer Sun. I can not believe Summer is nearly over as Stefan drags our little boat into the water. I think about how my heart has lingered to this quaint town in the matter of months. The little shops and people with their small, easy problems. I wonder if there is more to this town. My friend Pearl is just a prime example that this town is definitely more interesting than it seems. And of course the Salvatore brothers!

I run to Stefan as he drags the boat and push him under the water with me.

We are both completely wet now. Hm. But we don't care, because our lips stuck on each other. His kisses are so strong. Stronger than you'd expect from his shy persona. But let me just get this straight: in the bedroom...oh...young Stefan is more than a man to me!

It makes me shiver just thinking of him in my bedroom in the dark!

The water absorbs all of us, even our tongues as they touch. Our bodies flow into the water and into each other. 

I don't think i've ever done it in the water before...

Stefan's pants come undone quickly. I rip my stupid corset off quickly and slip my long undergarment quickly. Stefan's kisses become stronger as we are both now completely nude. Oh God!

After all my small sexual affairs as a vampire, i never thought one teenage boy could make me quiver so much!

His green eyes see all of me. Inside and out. And he knows i'm giving all of my self to him. In my mind, we have no age difference. We are both just beings giving ourselves to each other.

I want more.

After we are both completely done, we lie together in the floating boat and nap the morning away. I wake up a little early and stare at my Stefan. My Stefan. I begin to put my hands through his hair. I never thought i could feel this way about one boy. 

I looked into the Sun and at my daylight ring. But i still loved Elijah just as much.

Was it a bad thing to feel this much love come from yourself? No.

I could just take my daylight ring off right now, and burn. And it would be fine, because i had love in my life. A lot of love. Why would i want any of that to end?


Hm. A voice just shortly said one name:Nikole. And i realized...nothing was perfect. I wanted to live, for Nikole. If...she was even alive?

Oh lord. How depressing. How very depressing.

But i just look at Stefan and that changes. The way he just sleeps with a baby. With no worries, makes me feel better. I touch his shoulder lightly and his eyes move. He slowly comes to and smiles at me.

"Katherine...i love you" he says simply. My life was so far for simple because of that sentence.

I looked at him. And smiled. I wanted to say the three words back to him, but i would wait till later. Till tonight.

I kiss him quickly and let him know i need to get back to the house to get my clothes ready with Emily for the Founder's Ball, which was tonight.

Then i finish and tell Stefan: 

"Save the last dance for me, love" and i hope and plead that he does not think too much of me not saying the three words of love.

I will tell him. I'll make sure.


Elijah had entered the room casually. His face was a mix of irritations and boredom.

"Why have you been sending you're little dogs to look for me, Klaus?" he sounded very irritated indeed. But i didn't care. I needed him at my beck and call. Especially with the quest we had begun here in Virginia.

To find that Bulgarian whore!

"To find that Bulgarian whore!" i angrily shouted. Oh crap, i remembered he still hated when i insulted his lovely Katerina.

"I mean, i needed you...otherwise how are we gonna find her?" i smoothly and clearly continued to him.

He walked to my book case and looked at certain books, avoiding eye contact with me completely. But he walked around confidently, like he owned this beautiful Summer home and i did not.

"So where were you anyways?" i questioned him.

He continued searching the spines in the book case.

Had he not heard me or something?

I knew that was impossible. Vampires had superb hearing. The clearest of the clear. So why was my brother not answering me at all? I did not like that. Something was fishy. Just as i was about repeat my question, Elijah spoke, "I was just out and about, brother", but i wanted a detailed and more specific answer.

"Where?" i sharply asked.

He looked at me with piercing eyes. It was weird as Elijah hardly ever pierced his eyes at...anyone. I must be a special exception.

"For a bit of dinner and a desert too" he told me with a cheeky facial expression. All the seriousness and tension had left the room and closed the door on its way out.


So why did i still feel like my brother was not giving me the whole truth?

I was very bad at trusting people. Ironic, seeing as i am a very untrustworthy fellow. I mentally laughed at that thought.

I watched Elijah take a random book out from the large book case and open it up.

He flicked through a few pages and stopped on one right near the end.

He held it up to me and placed his finger on a picture of a man and a creature on the next page.

"We'll need one of these to find Katerina, don't ya think?" he sarcastically said to me.

Well lookie here, one idea that might work.

A werewolf.

Me and werewolfs just got on like a house on bloody fire!

I deserved to be one so. To be more. But my curse would be broken one day. I knew it in my blood and soul.

"And i know the perfect one to help us!" i cheered to my brother. He smiled back at me with triumph. But we had not won yet. I had not won yet.

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