Chapter 2 - Beautiful Queen

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"Elijah, eh?" i said outwardly what i was thinking. How...sophisticated. Then i said to him in a sultry voice, "El-i-jah" while batting my eyelashes. My hopes were he'd cut the chit-chat and finally take me somewhere more discrete.

But instead he took his own suit's jacket and covered me. 

"You look like you're about to die of the cold in that!" he said worriedly. It was genuine.

Oh. That was new. 

I stared into his eyes for a little longer than i had anticipated. They were like dark and light all at the same time.

One thing that you could not deny Elijah's eyes of was that they were: Impenetrable. 

I liked that.


I woke up from my lavish cream bed and took off my clean night gown. I went the white cot that was sturdy and warm.  There, my little Nikole slept perfectly. Instead of waking her, i kissed her and went into the marble room, where the smiling maid had begun to fill the tub full of water for me.

"Thank you" i said to her.

She turned around and her eyes widened, "Well, ma'm i haven't seen a body that content of its sides and backs, well since my own young days" she complimented me before leaving the room and tending to some delightful breakfast.

I smiled at her thought. Even after bearing a child, i looked...well fantastic. Even my own mother drastically changed after giving birth to a child, at the thought of my mother, instantly a tiny tiny tear slithered down my face. I slid slowly into my relaxing tub, thinking that i guess the birth of Nikole had not affected my physical shape, because when i gave birth to her it was a breeze. Yes, i had screamed...A LOT but the end result was perfection. My angel had arrived in this big world. Into a world full of bad, horrible creatures and angels like...Elijah.

You see, a week ago i was living in a hell hole, now i was in a mansion. Thanks to him. He had shown me so much kindness, after breaking through my sultry exterior, he moved both me and Nikole here, no questions asked.

I honestly think...i'm in love. With him. With Mr Elijah. Still i didn't know his last name, but i didn't know his last name and the only thing i do know is: he was a good kisser. But that's all we've done. Kissed. 

He was a gentlemen inside out. Plus his angel wings were on show, wherever he went. I told him about my debts to my landlord, he paid them and helped my landlord who's home's roof was about to collapse.  Elijah, miraculously collected a handful amount of men and fixed the roof in  less than a day. He was on the verge of perfect. 

It was a complete contrast to Nikole's father, i even told Elijah that when he asked me about him. I told him simply that Nikole's  father was a "monster". 

Nothing more.

To go into detail would be re-awakening thoughts i'd rather forget for the rest of my existence. 

I honestly thought Elijah was using me, was doing something dodgy. I mean i  have never heard of a man who would give a woman and a baby a home...just like that. Especially when he has no relations to them.

He told me that he'd find me a job suiting my status. Hmm, how mysterious and weird, seeing  as my status was incredibly low at the moment..

After taking more moments of peace, the maid called me to feed Nikole. I hated doing it though, but i would never tell a soul as it would only worsen my bad image. The sole reason i hated doing it was the look in Nikole's eyes and her teeth, the sharpness of them and the piercing eyes reminded me of her father. I had to stop using the term father, because that person was no man, he was a monster.

I needed him out of my brain. 

Thank God for Elijah's little gathering tonight. Basically, the evening would be full of entertainment, food and drink, as all people of a high status and power would be attending this gathering. I guess it was a gathering to induct Elijah's presence into the group of these people. Hmm, all i could think was what could i possibly wear that was suitable for  a such an evening.

So after feeding my little angel, i went to Elijah's study. Walking around his maze of a house, i saw through the door of Elijah with one of his servants, who looked like he had lost his brain at a pub or something. All i heard before pushed through the door was Elijah saying, "Yes, tell him, its time, i'm ready, he should definitely come tonight.".

Elijah stopped and looked at me with a look of nervousness, before sending off his servant in the voice of a true master. That was weird,  but at that time i was not concerned with Elijah's guests, i was interested in Elijah only.

"How are you Elijah?" i smiled at him.

"Oh just fine...Katerina" he said beautifully and added a wink. He loved that i told him my true name.

"Hmm, well i can't make it to your little gathering tonight" i flirtatiously tell Elijah.

"Little?" he said to me with a grin.

"My dear, tonight is Elijah's Magnificent Ball!" he said to me loudly and animatedly, while softly holding my arms. He gorgeous when he got loud like that.

"But i have nothing to wear" i said flirtatiously. Looks like the prostitute was being taught by the gentlemen on how to make one become infatuated with another. 

He stole my hand and we ran through his large marble house. My light blue gown flowed so close to his dark green soul mates..that just went together even if the colours weren't meant to compliment each other. My grin was the widest i had ever had. I don't think i had smiled so largely in my entire life, just being with Elijah was enough now to make my heart smile.

"Where are we going?" i happily asked him.

He stroked his lips and mimed that he was locking them and was then throwing away the key. Looks like he wasn't telling. 

Surprises. I had forgotten whether i enjoyed them or not.

Running up stairs that were strangers to me, i heard Elijah push through a wooden door and i felt the London breeze flow through my gown. I loved the wind here, it was exciting. Pushing through the same door that Elijah had pushed through, i realized we were on the roof of his white mansion.

The view from up here a dream. A dream that i wished to die in!

The view was of a smiling Elijah, the trees and bushes in the background created a painting of nature. It was so beautiful, i almost wanted to cry. 

Then Elijah slid from the left of his position, it appeared behind him was some sort of stand. It was holding a dress. My old red dress.

But it had changed.

Oh God, it had changed!

Elijah came up real close to me and said, "I asked one of my tailors to enhance you're dress. Because just like you, it had deserved better. Katerina, just like you this dress has changed. Changed to its true form. You were never born to work in a brothel or on the were born to be....a Queen".

His words mirrored his actions:

The dress was no longer just burgundy. It was beautiful, glorious red, and a complimentary green that looked almost identical to the color that Elijah was wearing. I loved that simple detail. 

The areas that showed off my cleavage were now sewed on closer together, so it showed off my face and smile. Not my breasts. 

Most of all, the dress had now been engraved with silver stoned insignia's. The insignia was of a crown. Of a Queen's crown.

I cried right then and there.

Elijah came up to me and wiped away my tears. His eyes looked so worried. Like he loved me too, somehow, somewhere, but that was impossible. I was just a prostitute with a baby who i couldn't even feed.

Ironically in that moment Elijah brought my lips to his. He kissed me with so much love that i thought i might die of it. 

And with that kiss, i no longer felt like a prostitute. Or a shameful immoral woman. I felt like a beautiful Queen!

And it didn't feel like an illusion. I loved him.

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