Norminah: Wrong Place, Wrong Tme

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She nodded and gave me a small smile before putting the hood of her jacket over her head, sticking her hands in her pockets, and walking to her car. I stayed behind for a while to make sure she got in her car before driving off.

When I finally made it home it was about midnight. I unlocked my apartment door and stepped into my home, an overwhelming feeling of fatigue taking over. I tossed my keys in the bowl by my door and kicked my shoes off. I walked to my bathroom and flipped the light on before looking myself over in the mirror. My hair had expanded quite a bit because of the humidity. I sighed and decided that I would have to straighten my hair again tomorrow. I left the bathroom making sure to turn off the light and made my way to my bedroom. I slipped out of my clothes and into bed, closing my eyes and letting sleep take over.

I woke up to lights pouring into my room through the blinds. I yawned and stretched and looked around for a bit before actually getting out of bed. Shuffling to the kitchen, I ate a quick breakfast before getting in the shower to wash my hair. I quickly shampooed and conditioned my curls before getting out of the shower. After blow drying and flat ironing my hair, I looked myself over. Feeling satisfied with the results, I left the bathroom and got dressed. It was Saturday so I didn't have work or anything to do. I had recently moved to New York for a new job and I didn't really have any friends out here yet. It'd been a while since I'd seen my family and friends so I decided to take a trip back home to Boston. Maybe things would be different this time.

After I packed my bags, it was already about 6 pm. I left my apartment and locked up. I quickly walked to my car and put my suitcase in the trunk then quickly got in, started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. I stopped by a corner store to go to the bathroom an hour into the car ride. I was in a shady part of town and I was apprehensive to stop but I really had to go. I got out of my car and made sure to lock it. Walking into the store I smiled at the cashier, "Where is your bathroom?" I asked politely.

She smiled back at me, "Outside and around the back." I thanked her and turned to walk outside, sighing to myself. I quickly walked around the back and used the bathroom. As I was washing my hands, I heard yelling outside. I turned the water off and listened carefully. I could only hear muffled sounds now so I opened the door and walked outside. I wasn't going to be that one girl to go investigate so I quickly started making my way back to my car.

"Aye! Who's that? You said you were alone!" I heard a man with a thick accent say.

"I am alone! I don't know who that is!" A woman said. I assumed it was the person closest to me. She had on a hoodie and sweatpants so I couldn't really tell before. I froze in my spot, my eyes wide.

"Kill them!" the man said angrily. He gave me a mean look and I noticed the scar above his eyebrow. The two other men with him began to reach in their jackets. Before I could do anything, the woman pulled two guns out of her waistband and fired at the men, hitting them both. The man looked shocked. Before he could react, the woman turned around and bolted towards me.

"Come on!" she said running and pulling me along. I ran as fast as I could to keep up.

"You'll pay for this, Dinah! You and that girl!" I heard the man yell after us. The woman, Dinah, cursed under her breath but kept running. Finally we emerged into the parking lot. I ran towards my car and Dinah followed.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?!" I asked frantically.

"Just give me the keys and get inside the car. Our lives are in danger, just come on!" she ordered. I handed her the keys and got in the passenger seat. She peeled out of the parking lot. She used one hand to pull her hood off her head and I instantly recognized her hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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