29 (pt2)

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Brandon POV:When I came in I saw Alexandra and Alexander weren't in there room and then I went to the bathroom and that's where they were. They were throwing up like Idk what. I think they just need some sleep so Alexander was in the room now and Alexandra wasn't so I just held her hair back for her while she threw up. I carried her back to the room she was still hot I checked Alexander he was still hot to. They still have fevers. My kids are sick and don't want to still give them medicine maybe they should eat something.

Alexander! Alexandra!


Come eat something!


Macy POV: while the kids were coming downstairs I noticed they were gonna fall so I went to the stairs and got them.



You have to watch the kids when they walk. okay?


Alexander almost fell. Alexandra's still at the top of the stairs I don't know how.

Maybe we should take them to the doctor.

What? I am not letting them touch my babies when its normal sickness.


Brandon POV: Daddy! I'm gonna fa-

Woah! I get what you mean we have to watch them.
Alexander no!


Your not going outside.

Why not?

Your sick.




Macy POV: Now you get it.

Yea I do.

Hey macy.


Can I take the kids to Macgon with me?

Can you handle 2kids?


Okay. Brandon I'm trusting you with my kids.

I know nothings gonna happen.

There leaving in 2weeks right.



Alexander no!

But I want to go.

No your sick your not going outside stop trying its not gonna happen.


Alexandra don't you dare!

That's it I've had it! Go upstairs and go to bed!

Macy don't you think your being a little mean to them.

I'm covered in chocalate!

Right sorry.

Its okay I didn't mean to be yell at them they were just doing to much.

Alexander and alexandra POV: Alexandra why did you do that?

What did I do?

You poured chocalate on mommy.

Oh. I thought it was funny. Why did you try to go outside?

Because its fun outside and I wanted to play.

Oh. Its okay we can when we get better.

Macy POV: Alexander alexandra I'm sorry I yelled at you I was just mad.

Its okay mommy.

Okay. Do you guys want to go to magcon with daddy.

Yes! but we have to get better. We can't go.

Yes you can if your better in 2weeks.


Uh oh.


Already on it!

You got alexandra I got Alexander!


Next day...............

Mommy we better!

That's great but we will have to see if that's true.

Okay. So we home.

Yes because I don't want people to get sick if you still are sick.



They haven't threw up yet that's good I think there better if they go another hour without throwing up there okay

Mommy are we better?

Just one more hour.


1 hour later.........



We better!

Why are you yelling I'm right here.

I don't know!

Yes you are better.


Just act like its in magcon days okay. I know there older in this story but yea.butterfly's be happy.😛😜😁

Macy And Brandon Rowland Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ