Chapter 8:Complete

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(Kebba's POV)

     "Are you sure he's the one who did it? And are you sure she was the one who planned this?" Nagashi asked as he was taking down notes of what I said.

     I nod my head yes.

     I am for sure that they were the people who did it. If so that I was wrong, then I honestly don't know who else would do this. No one is just standing close to a house with tattoos all over their body, smoking a cigarette with a gun beside on their side. And showing up the very next day and find out someone killed your sister.

     However, it's hard to pin-point that they did it exactly. However, I know for sure that my mom must have been involved somehow. Otherwise why would she have just let me go? She would be the one begging me to stay when ever I run away. She would always be the one "trying" and me forgiving her over and over again.

     I stop to think, to make sure I was doing the right thing. I can't just sit back anymore and wait until they notice it wasn't me. But for now, just thinking is all I had to do before moving on to the next step.

     Nagashi turned on the TV that was hanging on top of the chimney. He flips to channel news and we watch from here.

     They start with the update of a couple of things before they come to us. They speak about how I might be the suspect, but then they start to suspect on a couple of others. Some being family and some being complete strangers. They so happen to suspect the guy I was talking about. Someone who was outside our house saw him coming out from the front door. Of course they brought him into questioning.

My mom wasn't there, even though she might have been the one who done it. She was the one I put all my blame to.

One way I can say is that she wanted me to skip Roxana's birthday. She didn't beg me to come home which was odd enough. But when she noticed that I did she didn't talk to me the rest of the party. Probably to put the blame . . .

I shake my head and look around the room I'm in. Nagashi puts a worried face and looks at me. I smile fadedly and get up over to the kitchen where I can think of this more clearly.

One thing about this whole mess is that they think I did it. If I can somehow put enough evidence and say that it was someone else, maybe I'm able to see who it was clearly. Plus there's only a matter of time until my mom speaks.


"Nagashi, is it fine if we explain to someone about this?" I saw as I walk to his side.

"There's someone else who lives near where you are. Whatever comes out from your mouth about it, I write it and send it to him. When your ready they will take you to questioning, okay?"


He nods his head and pats on one of the chairs for me to sit on. I go over to it and say everything I was just thinking. Poor Nagashi on how much he had to write.

He finished with an "okay" and he walks up to his room. He leaves me here once again by myself. I sigh and lay back on the chair. I rest my eyes and start to think about what I'm going to say.

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