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Getting to Know the softer side of you.Healing you from the past.

Duncan said," Want me to give you some medicine..? I'll bring some food down." Con grabbed onto Duncan's shirt as he tried to leave. Con said,weakly," I don't want food right now..I just want to go to sleep..Can you stay here..till I fall asleep? Please?" Duncan smiled and went back into Con's bed. He said,"Of course,Con." Con smiled and fell asleep soon after,since being with Duncan eased his stomach pain.

Con woke up to Duncan being beside him. Con almost,almost smiled at Duncan's sleeping figure. Con tried getting out of Duncan's arms, Duncan said," Go back to sleep Con." Con said," I'm not tired..Besides I need to go make people breakfast.." Duncan pulled him to his chest and said," You are far too sick to be doing such a task, besides Tyler told me that he would make breakfast for the guild." Con said," I only have a little stomach pain! I don't need to lay down in bed!" Duncan sighed and said," Your probably right..I have to be in The Neko Castle or as it was previously called the Karma Castle..." Con said," I'm glad we have an agreement!" When Con tried to stand however,he almost fell on the ground,luckily Duncan was fast to catch him.Duncan said,"Maybe I need to visit that stupid wolf,and see what they put into you..what pill it was? You stay in bed,and don't make me tie you to it.!" Con was set back into the bed and he sat up straight,but wanting to fall asleep.Jake and Cody were talking to Con as Duncan went over to the dungeons at his father's castle and said," Hello,Rogue Alpha, Let's talk..."

Duncan was able to interigate Balfour, He spilled and said," I'm not saying,but I will say that your in for a bad time..When it does come into an effect.." Duncan cursed since that's all he would say,no matter how many threats were made or how many times he got whipped.

Con said,"Hi,Duncan.Did you get info-" Con then passed out,his stomach hurt really badly when he woke up. Duncan wasn't near him and it seemed that the pill increased his need for his mate. Duncan was glad that Con's weird behavior that day was because of the pill. Con,when the pill was still in his system, would follow Duncan like a lost fox cub. Duncan enjoyed being the one that was chased and not running to.Duncan,during that day, was looking up things about fox hybrids. The site said that fox hybrids were able to know who there mate is unless they were the runt of the litter or the youngest child there. Duncan seemed to have forgotten that the search party was still there. Duncan said,through the mind link to his beta," Can you have my father stop sending in  warrior wolves? I have a mate to get.." He said,' Sure...I'll be able to tell that your looking for your mate."

Duncan said," How are you feeling?" Con said," Much better! And who were you talking to,just a second ago?" Duncan said,shocked,"What?" Con said," You were starring off into space..Jack told me that's when a werewolf is talking to another member of their pack through a mind link,though with some werewolves you can barely tell." Duncan smiled and said," Con.. Can I ask you something?" Con said,nervous," Sure.. Go ahead." Duncan said," Why is it that you are resisting me?" Con said," I...Cody and I were betrayed by one of our friends they were in our section of the thief's guild..our little group before Jack got here...I was close to that person and thought that even if he did something wrong to me at first that he would be able to turn a new light..It seems that my oldest brother doesn't seem to be able to do that. One day,when we were fighting one of our enemy teams of another thief's guild..He told them our position and also joined them in the fight against us.Being the youngest of the are suppose to rely on your oldest sibling..but I wasn't able to have I gave him a chance and he stabbed me in the back,figuratively, emotionally..Why am I even telling you this? I shouldn't trust a royal..that can through me in a dungeon." Con's words made sense to the prince, Duncan had read about fox hybrids on the Internet from the painful month that he had to stay away from his little fox. On the Internet it said that the youngest that is born as a fox hybrid would rely on their older brothers,if one of their brothers doesn't accept him trying to help then some go into depressing and some don't trust anyone..even if it is their mate.

Duncan,as Con was almost out the door, put his arms around Con's waist;he put his head on Con's shoulder,and then said," Con.. I wouldn't do that to you,no matter how many times you push me away..I'll always come back,till eventually,You'll accept my feelings for you..Cause,I know that you feel the same about me..Till that day,I'll stay by your side.Even if I have to take a shower,I'll get to drag you with me.." Con said," Um..Uh..," He blushed,then continued," I'm not taking a shower with you..And besides,You haven't been by my side through out the time I've known you..." Duncan smiled at Con's blush..He was finally getting to see the real Con. Not the one that acts tough,but the sweet fragile Con. Con squirmed around in Duncan's hold,feeling something touching his butt. Con said," C-can you let me go?" Duncan laughed as he noticed what was making Con so flustered. Duncan whispered beside his ear," No I'll never let you go,my love." Con blushed further;to Duncan and kind of Con's dismay though, Jake had came into Con's room to ask where the breakfast was,and curious to why Con slept in.

-June 24
-Edited, July 30
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