Nailed it

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So nothing really bad happened in morning practice. Well, except for the cringing ice cube and pencil chewing. Everything was normal during class. Lunch time was the same as usual.

It was time for practice after school. Thankfully, Hinata's stomach was better.

I started tossing to Hinata.

"Wahh!" Asahi exclaimed as he fell down. "What was that?"

Noya was the closest, so he got to him first. He asked, "Are you okay?" He gave a hand to him to help him up.

Asahi grabbed his hand and stood up. He looked towards the ground. He said, "I tripped over something."

Daichi, Suga, Hinata and I went to them. Suga asked, "Are you okay?"

Asahi nodded. "Yeah."

Daichi pointed out where he tripped. He said, "Someone needs to fix this." He was pointing to a piece of broken wood coming from the gym's floor.

Hinata wondered, "Gwah! How did that happen?"

Daichi said, "I don't know, but we have to fix this, or it could do more than just trip one of us."

"Hey!" Their supervisor, Takeda said walking into the gym. "Sorry, I'm late. I was going to tell you guys about that. I'm so sorry!" He ran up to them. He had some supplies with him.

Daichi said, "No, it's fine. No one got hurt. Well... Asahi tripped..."

"I'm so sorry!" Takeda apologized profusely.

Asahi said, "It's fine. I didn't get hurt at all."

Takeda exhaled in relief, "That's good." He kneeled down by the broken wood and took out some supplies.

Hinata went, "Wow! You can fix it?" He was so amazed that it looked like he had sparkles glittering around him.

Takeda nodded proudly, "Yep. Now stay back and continue practicing away from here."

Hinata replied eagerly, "Yes, sir!" He was a cheery as ever. From first glance, you couldn't tell that he had a stomach ache earlier.

Hinata and I continued practicing until Takeda announced, "Done!"

Almost everyone surrounded the area, leaving out the jerk Tsukkishima and his follower Yamaguchi. They were amazed at how well the floor was fixed. It was almost good as new.

Daichi said, "Thank you for the amazing work."

Takeda said blushing from the attention, "No problem. It's the least I can do."

Before he could start his poetic rant about how he is happy to help, I got Hinata to continue practicing with me. I mean, I wouldn't be able to comprehend what he said anyways.

A little while later, we took a break. We sat against the wall. Hinata picked up his cup and looked in it. He looked disappointed.

I asked, "Oi, idiot. What's wrong?"

Hinata said, "My ice melted."

I scoffed, "What did you expect? Ice melts." I didn't mean to sound mean. I almost felt for him too. I didn't want to seem too rash.

He sighed, "Yeah, I know." He seemed down. He looked around then his eye caught something.

I looked where he was looking. I couldn't tell, but I did see an abandoned box of nails.

Hinata jumped up and exclaimed, "Wah! Takeda-Sensei left nails in here."

I looked around and noticed that he was nowhere to be seen. I didn't even notice that he left.

Hinata ran to the box and picked it up. He jogged back to me and said, "I'm going to give this to Takeda-Sensei."

I said, "Alright, don't be too long."

"Alright!" Hinata said skipping away.

I rolled my eyes in response. This guy was way too cheery. I sat there for the rest of my break thinking. I glanced up at the clock.

'Man, this guy is so unpredictable. His chewing his so annoying. Since when did he start chewing ice so much? I mean, he did it every once in a while, but since it is near the tournament he started eating ice more. Now that I think about it, he also started borrowing and losing my pencils. Well, he just confessed that he chewed on my pencils. He gave me back one of them with a threat of eating it if I don't. Wait, why did he only give me one pencil back?'

"Hey, Kageyama," Suga called from in front of me.

Suga asked, "What's on your mind? You are deep in your thoughts."

I stood up and told him everything on my mind. I told him everything because I can trust him. After I was done, I watched for his response.

He asked, "Where is Hinata?" He looked concerned. He was search around the gym with his eyes.

I answered, "He went to give Takeda-Senpai the box of nails he left."

Suga said, "It sounds like something I read. His situation, I mean. Have you ever heard of Pica?"

"P- what?" I said confused. "What is that? A type of pizza?"

"No," Suga said chuckling at my confusion. "It's an eating disorder."

I was beginning to feel alarmed. I asked, "What type of eating disorder?"

He explained, "It is when a person eats things that shouldn't be eaten. It usually starts with eating ice. It usually triggers when the person is stressed. Hm... I think that's about it. You should look it up. I don't know everything."

I nodded. I looked up at the clock. It has been too long since Hinata came back. My heart began to thump in my chest.

I said, "I have to go!" I didn't wait to hear his response. I was worried, and I had to make sure Hinata was okay.

I ran from the gym to the school. I ran all the way to the teacher's room. I saw Takeda and asked, "Have you seen, Hinata? He came to give you your nails back."

Takeda said carefree, "Oh, no. He didn't come at all. I totally forgot about my nails."

I nodded, "Okay. Thanks." I ran back out to search for Hinata. "Where is Hinata?" I muttered. I started running around the school opening doors and yelling his name.

After two minutes, I stopped at the dressing room. I opened the door with so much force that it shook.

I found Hinata. He was sitting down with his back to the door. The box of nails was in front of him. He turned to look at me. Drool was visible around his mouth. He was drooling.

I gasped seeing what was in Hinata's hand. Nails.

I moved before I could think anything through. I ran up to him and grabbed him. I stuck two fingers into his mouth and down his throat. I growled, "Spit it out! Now!"

He shook his head and tried to pull away. He muffled, "No-mm!'

I pressed my fingers harder as I yelled, "Do it, idiot!"

I felt him hunch over and puke everything back up. He groaned, "Ugh!" He threw up for about a minute.

After it was all done, I looked away from his puke. It was disgusting and had like five nails and mostly bile. Hinata looked dazed and tired from what just happened. His balance was off, so he leaned against my chest.

I put my arm around his shoulder. I felt him trembling in my arm.

Suddenly, the door opened up from behind us.

"Whoa!" I heard Noya's voice from behind us.

"What happened?" I heard Tanaka ask walking up to us. Then he saw the mess. "Ew. I think we should take him to the nurse."

"No," I said. "He needs to go to the hospital."

So he was sent to the hospital. I really hoped what happened wasn't too serious. Poor Hinata.

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