Special Chapter: Let Me Care For You

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In the gym, Hinata and I were alone. It was a free day for us. No volleyball practice. No schoolwork. No other teammates... Just me and Hinata practicing our spikes to our heart's content.

The only sounds between us were our tennis shoes hitting the ground and the volleyball's path. We barely uttered a word as we enjoyed playing our favorite sport.

After a while, Hinata huffed, "We need a stopping point." I wasn't out of breath, but he was right. We could go on all day if we wanted to, but he did seem to look a bit tired. Something was a bit off.

Both of us went to the side to sit down for a bit.

I said, "Hinata, this is fun and all, but you seem tired."

"I'm fine."

I asked, "Did you eat anything bad?"

He said, "No."

I grumbled as I got nothing else from him. Instead, I awkwardly tried to asked something not having to do with his eating problem. "Um, are things... good?" I dug into my bag and got my boxed milk I bought earlier. I watched him as I waited for him to answer. I sipped from the straw.

He said, "I guess."

"What do you mean?" Suddenly, I heard a familiar sound. It was similar to something I normally heard before almost every game. "Is your stomach okay?" I took a worried sip.

Hinata looked away and laughed awkwardly. "It's fine. I haven't been eating anything bad."

Then something came to mind. That idiot! He should've told me earlier! I answered trying not to direct my anger towards him, "But have you been eating at all?"

Hinata just shook his head no. He seemed ashamed. He explained, "I have been a bit paranoid."

I wasn't mad at him, I was just angry about his situation.

I sipped the rest of my milk. I stood up and said the most difficult thing I had to do for him, "Let's cut volleyball short." I stood up and said, "Let's go." I held my hand out for him to grab.

He looked at my hand suspiciously. He asked, "What are you planning to do?"

"Idiot," I snapped. "Just come on. We are leaving." I kept my hand out for him to grab.

"Okay," he said still skeptical of my action. He put his bag on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand, so I pulled him up. When he stood up, he stumbled a little into me.

I didn't let go of his hand as I began pulling him with me.

Before I knew it, we were at a fast-food restaurant. I was still holding his hand as I tugged him inside.

Hinata said confused, "Fast food place?"

I got us a table and commanded, "Stay."

He retaliated, "I'm not a dog!"

I added, "I'll get you a happy meal."

He quickly quieted down.

I went and ordered some food. Eventually, I was back at the table with him. I placed the tray in front of him. The little happy meal toy tumble on its side. I demanded, "Eat."

"Um," he said uneasily.

I got his drift and took the toy and held in my hand, so he couldn't get that in his mouth while he ate. I waited for him to eat.

He asked, "Why are you doing all this?"

"I want to, idiot," I answered. "When's the last time you ate?"

Hinata, NO!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt