Chapter 19: Worst Day Ever

Start from the beginning

He drags his sight to me as he traces my steps approaching the counter. He drops his bacon and look at me in utter curiosity.

“Aren’t you leaving yet?”

I sat next to him and reach over his plate. I take two strips of bacons and shove big bites.

“Dana called. The shoot is off until three.” I say cheekily while chewing the food in my mouth.

“Dana?” He asks, frowning and looking away like trying to recollect his thoughts. He drags his sight back to me and say “Isn’t that the girl who hated you?” He peers at me, wiggling his index finger.

“Yeah.” I shrug.

“You’re talking?” He asks doubtfully.

I nod at him, shoving the bacon in my mouth.

“I don’t know about that but I don’t think you should trust her.” He shrugs and takes a sip of his tea.

I laugh dismissively and stated, “Oh come on, Harry. Give her a chance.” I persuade him.

“Just saying.” He shrugs again.

Harry and I continue having our breakfast in one plate.


“Harry, I’m leaving!” I yell at Harry as I walk towards the door, my high-heeled shoes clanking on the floor. He is at the back porch, doing something I don’t know.

He runs inside and asks, “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you there?”

I smile and say assuredly, “It’s okay. I can manage.”

“Okay, safe sex.” He says mockingly as I open the door and step out.

“Shut up!” I reprimanded. Someone needs to remind him about his choice of words, really. It’s a photo shoot I’m headed to, not some strip club or something.

“I meant, take care.” He stated in remorse as I shut the door behind me.


I took a cab to the location. I confidently walk towards the big tents set up in the grassland, ready and excited for work. I am thirty minutes early, I couldn’t wait any longer.

As I continue walking, I felt some staffs who were busy working for the shoot look at me with contempt and confusion like I’m some criminal.

Is there something wrong with my face?

“That’s a wrap everybody!” I hear Mister El Rey Gibson, the photographer, yell just meters distant from where I am headed to.

I trace the sound and spotted him cheering with Dana, kissing either her cheeks.

“You did a great job today, Dana.” Mister Gibson praises, squeezing Dana to his side.

That moment, I knew Dana fooled me. She wanted this project for her own. I felt my eyes sting as a tear fell down to my cheek. Harry is right. I never should have trusted her. What a selfish brat!


I drag my sight to my side and see Walt walking briskly towards me. He immediately drags me to the back of the wardrobe.

He grips my arms and look at me with big disappointment.

“Where have you been, Valerie?” He questions, raising his tone but whispering so only two of us could hear. “I’ve been trying to call you too many times. You were out of reach. What happened?”

I am clueless. My phone has a good signal and my battery is fine the whole day. Why would I be out of reach?

“Seems like I’ve been tricked.” I sneer, my eyes turning red with tears.

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