Chapter 1

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My body tossed and turned as I attempted to shut my eyes. Thoughts of Hunter flooded my mind and prevented me from falling asleep. I worried about him. I worried that he was in some sort of danger, hoping someone would find him.

I didn't want him in any trouble. I wanted him to be safe, my arms wrapped around his body. I  would never want to let him go. Regret surged through me as tears spilled down my red-flushed cheeks.

I loved him, I wanted him back. I wanted my best friend back.

A part of me felt guilty for thinking these feelings now, but deep down they've always been in the back of my mind. I'll admit.

I reached to my left bedside table and pulled out a tissue. The cloth dried my cheeks, and I wallowed back under my covers and pillows.

My body jumped at the sound of tapping on my window. My heart sunk into my stomach and I did not move until there was another tap.

My toes and feet met with the cold hardwood floors as I hobbled over to the windowsill, wondering who was out there. My fingers traced the top of the frame, searching for the lock. I pulled up the pane and stuck my head outside, looking down at whoever was waiting for me.

A black figure stood below, staring at me. I stared back into his piercing blue eyes and I realized who it was.

"Hunter..." I whispered, barely audible. My eyes were locked with his, and a feeling formed deep inside me that I couldn't put in words.

"Aurey," he softly said as a grin tugged on the corner of his mouth. I felt speechless, in shock.

A few minutes ago, thousands upon thousands of questions swarmed inside my head for him. Now— I felt dumbfounded, frustrated at my own falter. It was as if Hunter could read my expression.

"I need to talk to you," Hunter followed, an eagerness showing in his tired eyes.

"I.. Mm. Okay, talk." I could barely think straight, I didn't know what to feel.

"It would be better if I actually saw your face, and if you came down here."

"Give me one second." My heart practically beat out of my chest as I sneakily made my way out the door.

Hunter stood in front of one of the trees on my lawn, waiting for me. His head lifted up once he realized I was a few feet away from him. I crossed my arms, trying to make myself warmer in the cold spring night. I shivered as a soft breeze passed by.

"Here." He pulled a blanket from out of his backpack, and handed it to me.

"Thanks.." I said as I wrapped it around me. "What are you doing here? And why did you run away?" I babbled, trying to get answers.

"I just wanted to get away from it all. You know ever since my mom died, things haven't been the same with my dad." He paused. "I didn't want to live with him anymore."

I pulled Hunter toward me, and hugged him. He didn't need to say anything else for me to understand. His arms wrapped around me, and I felt his warmth soothe me. Suddenly, he pulled away.

"Come with me." He said in a serious tone.

"I... I don't understand." I responded hesitantly.

"Run away with me, we can escape this damaged life. Just you and me."


"Think about it. I'll be back tomorrow night." He backed away and left me alone in the darkness. I heard the footsteps as he ran into the woods, somehow knowing exactly where he was headed.

I stood there, paralyzed and shocked at the question I was asked. Doubts and scenarios of how I could continue my life corrupted my thoughts.

I did not know what to do. Why me? Would I hurt him if I said no? Would I ruin my life if I said yes?

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