The Test

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Asia studied all night for this test, it was a BIG one. if she didn't ace this, she might fail the class and have to take it next year. it was a huge grade and even though Asia was smart, she was still really nervous because of the pressure Louis was putting on her for this. She was so scared that she would let his down.

" I'm leaving for school daddy, wish me luck" Asia called out as she walked to the door

" we know you can do good Asia, but remember, a lot is riding on this so try super hard" Louis said walking her out

"okay daddy" Asia felt increasingly nervous as she got to her first hour class and started preparing, she sat down in her desk and ran through everything she studied in her mind
*RINGGGGG* she nearly jumped out of her seat when she heard the bell for school to start

"all right class quiet down, you will have the entire class period to finish the exam. Whatever you don't finish will be counted as a zero. This exam is multiple choice so fill in the circle completely and make sure you are happy with your answer before moving into the next question" the teacher went on as students passed the tests around

"you have fifty minutes, go" the sounds of students flipping over their tests filled the room as Asia slowly turned hers over and realized she barley knew any of the answers.
Asia finally finished with one minute to spare, she turned in her test and grabbed her stuff. As she exited the room, she rushed to the bathroom while bile came up her throat. Luckily she made it to the bathroom in time but it wasn't pleasant to have a second look at her breakfast.
The teacher told the kids ahead of time that they could pick up their exams a half an hour after, once they were graded. She waited and she waited very anxiously. Asia waited at the door so she could get her score as soon as possible. When the time was up she ran to the teachers desk and he handed it back upside down.
"not one of your best miss Asia" he said with no emotion

she dared to look, she didn't let herself until she was out of the room and when she did finally look, her eyes welled up faster then a waterfall. she got a D+..... I all her life she had never gotten lower than a B-, and even then she was half asleep from staying up on her computer too late the night before. She almost threw up again at the thought of having to come clean with Louis.
Zayn was out of town on a few business things so it was just Louis that she was worried about, and also because zayn was more laid back, he would understand..
She opened the door to the house as quietly and as slow as she could to not make any noise. She shut it and got half way up the stairs before Louis sees her.

"hey baby, how was it? did you do as good as I thought you would? did you get an A?" he bombarded her with questions

"STOP IT, STOP WITH ALL THE QUESTIONS" Asia screamed at him as tears ran down her face

"Asia, tell me what's going on right now" Louis said with a very slight sternness

"I got a D+ daddy, I tried my best but. but I.. " Asia couldn't speak anymore, she choked too much on her tears

"I'm so disappointed... you said that you knew the stuff for the exam" Louis said shaking his head

"I know daddy I just.. I...I.." Asia stuttered but was quickly stopped by Louis

"just go up to your room" Louis said emotionless

"daddy I..." Asia stammered out

"NOW" Louis raised his voice making her jump and her tears fall faster, she rand up stairs and slammed her door slut.
Asia couldn't stop crying and thinking about how she let him down, she felt like such a disappointment. Asia always made impulsive decisions and she was about to make a big one. She put the exam on her desk and and put a note on top saying 'I'm sorry'. She did the oldest trick in the book and tied two sheets together to make a rope that she could climb down. As she cried she packed a few of her important things and climbed down..
meanwhile Louis had no idea of what was going on, all he could think about was how he was too harsh on Asia. He walked up to her room and gave her door a light knock, no answer. He opened it slowly to see nothing, he checked everywhere but eventually found the note and noticed the window. He searched the room more but finally pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"911 what's your emergency" the operator chirped

"hello my daughter is missing, she might have been gone an hour or so but no longer than two hours" Louis scrambled

"okay sir, we are going to need you to come down to the station and fill out a missing persons report" she went on with more details but Louis was already headed to the station.
The police were on the look out for Asia for a day now, Louis assumed that they would find her by now she he did call zayn yet.. But he knew it was time

"hello? Louis?" zayn said because all he could hear was sobbing

"zayn, Asia is gone" Louis told him everything, zayn was already on his way home
Asia ran into a wooded area and found a very old hunting cabin, it was a good place to stay in so she set up camp there and continued  to hide out, it had been about a week now and she was rationing her food very well.
But at the same time, she started to miss home even though she knew that no one wanted here there.. she knew that Louis was right to be disappointed end in her, she was a complete embarrassment to the family. She would stay out in the woods forever if she needed to..
By now, two and half weeks had gone by, no one had seen Asia.. She had been out of food for three days and she was getting very skinny. Without water or food, she could barley move her body. She just sat against a wall in the cabin and contemplated life.
*BANG BANG BANG* she heard as the door flopped down revealing two police officers shining flashlights at her

" yup, that's her." one said as the other one wrapped a blanket around her and carried her to the nearby ambulance where zayn and Louis were, they attacked her with hugs and tears went down her face

"baby girl, I was just a tiny bit upset. I love you so much and we both love you so so so much, don't you ever think differently" Louis said right in her ear, Asia just hugged him and cried into his chest, zayn wrapped his arms around both of them..

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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