Give them back (Part 2)

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Asia was rushed to the hospital and was put in urgent care, unfortunately that meant that no one could see her right now.. A doctor came out and tried her best to described Asia's condition.

"it seems that the stress that she was under has resulted in her having a heart attack, her heart just gave out because it was working so hard, what made her so upset?" The women in a white coat asked, zayn and louis just looked at eachother trying to say it.

"She wanted to wanted to cut herself but a week prior she had given us her razors, we weren't just gonna give them back to her..." zayn explained

"I understand, it looks like she'll make a full recovery but it's gonna take time. She is extremely frightened and is disoriented, would you like to see her?

"yes ma'am please," louis answered following the nice women to room 209. The walk in to see Asia staring blankly into the wall with bags under her eyes and light tears streaming down her face.
"Asia baby? it's us" louis said putting his arm around her very gently, but nothing. No sign of change in her emotional state. She still stared in the same place she had before.

"Asia? I know this is all very scary but baby girl we are here," zayn said with a smile, but just like last time she only stared and blinked. They took her home that day but nothing had changed.. after about two weeks of barley moving, she started looking around the room more and facing people when they talked. The only thing missing was her voice, she was completely mute...

"baby girl, you want some food?" louis asked as he approached her bed, she nodded and ate. This went on for weeks, no facial expression or talking from Asia. She was a zombie.

"You wanna take a shower now or later baby?" zayn asked as always. She went to the bathroom obviously telling zayn that she would take a shower now. Zayn handed her a fluffy towel and walked down stairs to louis. They heard the water start and the sound of the sprinkling shower head.
"I miss her voice" zayn mentioned as he passed by louis while he did the dishes
"so do I, but-...." louis abruptly stamped talking, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Louis what the fuck is wrong with you!?!" zayn said, but louis covered his mouth and said "shhh zayn listen carefully"

Zayn listened and could here the most beautiful voice muffled by the shower. It was Asia, singing at the top of her lungs. They both looked at eachother, their eyes welled up with tears and they smile from ear to ear.
"She's singing again" louis said squatting down and sobbing with joy, zayn hugged him so tight and began dancing around the kitchen to the wonderful music

"Hello from the other side. I must have allied a thousand times. To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart." Asia sang
The singing stopped and the squeak of the faucet handle rang. Asia then walked out of the bathroom all dressed to see her daddy's with the stupidest look on their faces,
"what wrong with you too?" Asia said quietly. The hugged her so tight and shouted with glee,
"OUR ASIA IS BACK!!!" zayn screamed

Asia's voice fully recovered and she went back to normal, being loved and cared for 24/7 by the best daddy's in the world. They spend extra family time together now to appreciate everyone and to come closer...

I AM SO SORRY I HAVENT POSTED!!!! I'm gonna try getting on here more but I'm not deaddddd!!!!!! hang in there loves, until I can think up a new story. Thank you guys for getting me to nearly 26k!! My following is the best group of people in the world! Hope you guys enjoyed!!!!


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