Sibling Bonding

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all of the kids were getting closer but louis and zayn felt left out for once, when they tried to fit in they would be excluded

the kids were in Asia's room and were laughing really hard, about something

"I can't believe you just did that harry" Mia said loudly with tears from laughing streaming down her face

"I told you he could do a hand stand Asia!!" Niall shouted with a grin in his face

"all right all right, you did prove me wrong. I thought he would end up breaking his face" Asia laughed

zayn and louis started noticing the kids spending more time together and them growing more independent from their parents. Zayn looked at louis and they both frowned, yes they loved them spending time with each other but they missed their kids

it was dinner time and the kids sat on one side of the table, they didn't make a sound only giggling when they would whisper something in each others ear

*Mia whispers to Niall, laughter*
*Niall whispers to Asia, laughter*
*harry whispers to Mia, laughter*

"is there something you kids would like to share?" zayn asked annoyed

they all looked at each other and giggled "No" Harry said trying not to laugh

"what are you guys talking about?" louis asked

again, the looked and laughed "Nothing dad" Mia said laughing more

this hurt louis, EVERY TIME Mia calls louis "Daddy" never once has she called him just "dad"

Now it was bed time, louis and zayn came up to say goodnight to the kids and found Asia gently closing harry/Niall's room door

"Asia what are you doing?" louis asked

"they got tired so I got them ready for bed and said goodnight to them" Asia said walking into her own room

"well then would you like us to say goodnight to you and help you get into bed?" zayn asked

"it's okay I got it dad" Asia said closing her door quietly

Now Asia too, now this hurt Zayn too.Asia was daddy's little girl and had called him "daddy". now she just said "dad". He was sad, louis and zayn walked downstairs and sat at the island in the kitchen across from each other

"I miss having to fight the kids to go to bed, and forcing them to do there homework. I loved helping them do things, now they don't even look at me the same" zayn said shedding a signal tear

"oh baby don't cry" louis walked around and hugged zayn as he was still sitting

"it's gonna be okay, we'll get our kids back" louis tried to reassure zayn

Mia started having a nightmare, she woke up and started down the hall when she heard crying. she walked towards the sound and crept into the kitchen where she found zayn crying and louis welling up trying to comfort him

"what's wrong dad?" Mia said walking up to them

"she doesn't even say it anymore" zayn mumbled and cried some more into his hands

"it's okay Mia just go back to bed" louis tried to sound convincing

"No daddy! something's wrong and you gotta tell me" Mia crossed her arms and pouted

"Daddies just sad because he misses you guys and is feeling a little lonely without you guys being a round so much" louis explained

"is that why you are sad too?" Mia asked

"Yes babe" louis confessed

"I'm sorry daddy, I'm gonna go to bed" she rushes up stairs and quietly wakes up the others,

" look guys the daddies are really sad that we aren't around a lot anymore, they really miss us and zayn Is crying" Mia explained, they all felt so sad, Harry and Niall stuck behind and comforted each other while Mia grabbed Asia's hand and led her down into the kitchen

Asia ran up to zayn who was sitting with his back towards her and gave him a huge hug from behind

"I'm sorry daddy" Asia said quietly

zayn just turned around and cried on Asia's shoulder for a bit then composed himself, when he pulled back he revealed his red,puffy, tear stained face

"oh daddy, I'm so sorry" Asia buried her face in his chest and cried

"baby girl please don't cry, I'm so sorry I'm like this I just missed having your attention" zayn said kissing her head

" I missed you too daddy, I started to feel alone even though I had the attention of 3 others, I'm so so so sorry" she said pulling back and walking over to louis

"come here love" louis said opening his arms to offer a hug

Asia nearly crushed louis with her hug,she stood there for a moment to long and louis tried to gently pull out of the hug but Asia held on

"what are you doing love?" louis said a little confused

"I just love you so much and I never want you to think differently, I don't care if I say I hate you or I never want to talk to you again because I don't mean it I could never hate you and I always need to talk to you because I need my daddies when I'm sad or heart broken or feeling alone, because I love being daddy's little girl" Asia explained and then gave a kiss to louis and then zayn

Asia took Mia's hand and led her up stairs where she got her back to bed and got the boys a chance to talk to louis and zayn. after everything was good, Asia got them and herself into bed...

"I love her so much" louis said with a smile

"she is so amazing, I can't live without her, my little girl" zayn said agreeing

"and MY little girl too, don't forget she is my baby girl too and I will protect her for as long as I can" louis mentioned

"what ever, she hugged me first" zayn said competing

"well she told me a sweet paragraph about how much she loves me" louis added

"well she opened up to me first" zayn said making louis irritated

louis walks by zayns chair and gives a slap to zayns bum

"don't push it" louis said walking away

"YES SIR!!!!!" zayn jumped and rubbed his bum
thank you so much for 12K reads on one of my stories and in celebration I started a new story and I'm updating ALL of my old ones.
don't forget...

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and don't forget you can always send me prompt ideas, I appreciate all of them
bye loves😘

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