Give them back (Part 1)

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Asia was starting antidepressants and she felt better then ever, so she decided to make a big decision for herself....

"daddy!!!!! Where are you!?!?!" asia yelled and immediately zayn and louis came running

"Whats wrong baby!?!" zayn yelled thinking something was wrong

"Nothings wrong! i feel great!!! they are working so well and i have decided to give you guys my razors! i dont need them anymore" asia announced

"hunny are you sure? this is a big step. and once you give them to us we are obviously not going to give them back" louis stated

" i know daddy, come with me" she led them both up to her room and she shut the door behind them, she went under her bed and found her box and have it to them

" baby what is this?" zayn seemed scared

" my cutting box, it where i hid all of the evidence" they opened it in complete horror to see her blood covering nearly 100 tissues

"stay safe baby, thank you for giving this to us now and not continuing to do it."

A week went by quickly but one day her medication dropped off and she went from her happiest stage to completely depressed. She needed to cut but she didn't have anything

"daddy!!" She called to her fathers

"what hun bun?" louis asked as they both came running

"daddy give me my razors back i need them!! i need to cut" she screamed in their faces going completely insane

"BABY! you know better! you know we wont give them back" zayn yelled louder then he should have

"I DONT CARE!!! i need to and it my property!" asia cried out

"Young lady you better get your butt upstairs right now! You are upset and thats no reason to cut! you need to calm down and then we can talk! but you begging us for your razors back is horrible!! "

"But..." asia was cut off by the stern voice of her father zayn

"NOW YOUNG LADY! no buts or else you'll get a spanking real quick!" zayn yelled at her threatening

she was frightened but was put in her place

"Yes sir" asia said putting her head down, she started up the stairs but zayn then caught her arm

"baby wait, im so sorry i snapped at you like that, i love you little one come here" zayn said. asia immediately rushed towards him and hugged him so tightly.

" Now go up to your room babygirl, ill be there in a minute. get in bed... im gonna bring you some food and we can cuddle okay?" zayn said , asia smiled

A few minutes later they came up with a basket full of food and they climbed in bed with her, sandwiching her between them. She felt so protected and comforted...until it came back to her mind

"daddy i still wanna cut, can i?" asia asked slowly

"baby i think you know my answer," zayn said kissing her wrist and holding her close, asia started to cry because she wanted to cut so badly but she couldn't even run away because she was being held for safety by her father, louis...

"no baby don't cry i just don't want you to be hurt.. you don't deserve to be hurt but i don't know how to help. shhhhhh just relax and go to sleep. its always better in the morning." zayn said holding as close as humanly possible.. she soon fell asleep and didn't wake up for a while, they shook her and shook her but she didn't wake up.. she was breathing but she wasn't ever conscience. They ran her to the hospital and waited, For the bad news that was soon to be delivered to them

HIIIII just wanted to update because i haven't and hopefully ill be doing more but i wanted kind of a dramatic story that will kind of keep you hanging;) but honestly im not good at cliff hanger because i don't stop writing until i have completed all of my thoughts so that basically ruins the whole purpose but i tried at least.. love you guys;)))))))

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