Before I got carried away in my thoughts, I grabbed my phone from my hoodie pocket and began dialing the number written on the page.

"Is this Jungkook?"
"Is this Jungkook?"

An unfamiliar voice inquired on the other line. I just hummed and began to drum a beat onto my thigh with my index finger. The other person didn't continue until like a minute later from my reply. They seemed like they were thinking something through.

"Well, I want to ask for your help."

The voice sounded needy and tired. But for the last few days, all I've been getting is prank calls. Just stupid high schoolers asking if my fridge is running. I have to say, that phrase was way overused and if they really wanted to prank they would need to come up with a better one.

"Yeah, who's asking?" My voice sounded ruder than expected and I silently curse at myself for sounding so mean. I could hear the other line snickering something but I stayed calm and continued to listen.

"Well I'm Jimin's friend, Taehyung, and Jimin is missing. I need your help because I can't find him and I figured you would know something. Please I just really need your help."

My breath hitched in my throat and it burned when I tried to swallow. I didn't know where Jimin had ran off to. He didn't call me and say he was leaving and it seems the same thing happened with this Taehyung guy on the phone. Without really thinking, I raced out of my house and into my car, speeding down the streets to get to Jimin's house.
Taehyung still lay on the kitchen floor, soaking in the cold from the tiles. His whole body trembled with horror of what could've happened to Jimin. He never wanted Jimin to hug him so bad. But now it seemed like he wasn't getting a hug anytime soon. And if that wasn't enough to cry for, he didn't what was.

"Is anyone here, Taehyung?" Jungkook had just arrived and didn't see a single soul in the space, until he heard a guttural sound crawl from the kitchen. He stumbled inside finding Taehyung breathing hard and shaking. He felt really bad and helped Taehyung up to sit at the kitchen table.

"Have you called the police yet?" Jungkook shook Taehyung lightly as it seemed he was fainting. He frantically raced to the sink and collected some water in the clear glass he chose. Making his way back to Taehyung, he splashed the water a bit on him to wake him up a bit. Taehyung shook his head, meaning no, and continued laying down to try and regain his senses.

Jungkook fished out his phone from his jacket pocket and began dialing 911. He had never imagined doing this, especially not for Jimin. Once the operator answered and asked the so familiar question of what the emergency was, that's when Jungkook began rambling.

"My friend, Park Jimin is missing and a friend of his and I are looking for him. He isn't one to just get up and go without telling anyone. Please help me."

Jungkook hadn't notice how desperate and pitiful he sounded until he began sobbing into the phone, begging the lady to find Jimin. It was no telling what Jimin was going through or doing right at this moment.

"Well sir, I'm very sorry to hear that but you need to wait 24 hours until a real investigation can take place. Meanwhile, I instruct to keep an eye open for your friend in case he shows up. And if so, just call back and tell us."

The operator, who was a deep voices female recited the line with a monotone voice. Before Jungkook could voice his distaste toward her statement, she had already ended the call feeling as if she did her job and couldn't help him anymore.

"This is complete bullshit!" Jungkook threw his phone into the ground, thank God it was carpet, and he slowly slid down the wall he leaned against as he let the tears take over. "I love him." He whispered into his hands as he tried to get himself back together.

If it wasn't for the dead silence in the home, Taehyung wouldn't have heard that silent confession. And it couldn't be about any person other than Jimin. Hearing that made Taehyung's fist clench into a ball but he knew this wasn't a good time to get jealous.

Taehyung lifted his head up from the table and walked to Jungkook, tapping him lightly on the shoulder. If the police wouldn't start now, they would.

"Come on Jungkook, we gotta find him." Taehyung mumbled as he watched Jungkook wipe his eyes with anger and popped up from his spot on the floor. Jungkook was the first out of the door and into his car.

Taehyung hadn't come in any vehicle as Jimin's house was only a few blocks from his own. But Jungkook motioned him to get into the red car before quickly starting it up and driving away.

"Do you know anywhere Jimin goes?" Jungkook blurted out in the awkward silence. If the two were going to conduct their own investigation, they needed to start with the basics.

"Well Jimin likes to draw, maybe he's at Taeyeon's Art Extravaganza." Taehyung replied as he told Jungkook the direction of the small establishment, which they weren't too far from. Just some twists and turns and they were there.

The place had art everywhere, paintings of rainbows and sun, no doubt Jimin would adore this place. The two men walked inside, there weren't many people in there, it was a bit early in the morning. A young women, known as Taeyeon, skipped to the two men with her short blonde hair bouncing along with her.

"Welcome to Taeyeon's Art Extravaganza! Is there anything you are looking for?" Her voice was lively and full of spirit, so were her beaming eyes. The smile never wiped from her face.

"A fried of ours is missing and we were wondering if you've seen him." Taehyung answered and Jungkook nodded along. Taeyeon frowned with concern and asked the two to sit down at a table splattered with paint and projects that were drying.

"I'm very sorry to hear that, can I see what he looks like?" Taeyeon asked and she waited for one of the men to show her a visual of the missing person. Jungkook pulled out his phone and swiped through his gallery, which were filled with Jimin's paintings and selfies. Taehyung frowned at how much of Jimin he had in his phone but ignored the feeling.

Jungkook handed his phone to Taeyeon, letting her study a picture of Jimin smiling brightly with thousands of art supplies in his hands. Taehyung weakly smiled at the picture.

Taeyeon's eyes went wide as she pointed to the picture. "I know him! Park Jimin!" She exclaimed, happily smiling. "He always comes here to buy an even draws while he's here." She pointed to various art pieces hanging around on the walls and on the doors. "Most of these are Jimin's."

Taehyung and Jungkook nodded, knowing Jimin was an art master. They were glad Taeyeon knew him, this made the investigation a bit more easier. "We are very glad to hear that, was he here recently?" Jungkook got straight to the point of their visit and Taeyeon's face soon went back to its sad state.

"Yeah, yesterday when he bought some paints and constructed this piece." Taeyeon held up a paper with lots of color. It was a portrait of a woman. She had red hair and blue skin. She seemed to be striking a pose with her arms held high and her legs crossed. "I don't know what it means but it's pretty."

Taehyung nodded, it didn't seem like that could help them do they continued on their journey. Not before thanking Taeyeon for her help.

They hopped back into the car before sighing in frustration. It didn't seem like they were going to find Jimin anytime soon. This worried both males but they weren't giving up on looking for their friend, their love.

A/N: Guess what? I'm sick!!:( And this sucks major balls. I hate it but I needed to update so there it is. I might make a part two where they actually find Jimin but I'm pooped and I wanna write good. I just don't have any ideas for this but I wanted to try my best on this request. I know it's terrible, I'm really sorry and it's long. I love you guys, sorry for the crappy writing:'( Also this is the 50th chapter so turn up🍾🌚

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