The Tower in the Sky

Start from the beginning

Yet I just couldn't refuse him. That smile of his works, even though he's just acting. He took my hair and brushed it gently, softly, like he was touching a delicate flower.

In a second, he put my hair up in some kind of fancy ponytail. He does things too efficiently and orderly. Why does he have to be so perfect?

After doing my hair, he immediately brought out the dishes. All were high-class and delicious, just like always. Instead of eating, I watched him as he was poured some juice. He caught me staring. He smiled as I quickly turned my head away and shoveled down my food.

After I finished eating, Erin took the dishes and started washing them. I stayed seated, watching him and started pondering a bit. "Say," I said, drawing his attention away from washing the dishes. "When can we finally live in peace?"

"Once I get enough people to rebuild the village, you can live peacefully at the palace again," Erin told me. He spared me a glance before looking back at the dishes. "Wipe your mouth, you have food on it."

I angrily wiped it clean. "How many people do we have now?" I asked.

"104 citizens my lady, plus the two I've found yesterday. They've been somewhat injured out in the wild, but I gave them the proper first aid then had the doctor take care of them." He finished the dishes and started heading towards the coat rack.

"That's great!" I said, smiling.

The village which was destroyed twelve years ago is in the process of rebuilding. Erin was able to find some lost citizens who survived the incident, and got them to rebuild the town, acting like the leader in this time of crisis. We have just enough food for everyone, and some homes are being rebuilt. Once we are set up again, I'll be able to see home again.

Suddenly, Erin started heading out the door. "I'll be back in a few." He called out.

"Wait! Are you going to the village?" I asked. He nodded at me, confused. "Can I come too?"

"Are you sure, Princess? You can't be sure anyone's still lurking in the shadows... We are still enemies with the neighboring country Tiza after all,"

"We haven't come across any Tizian men in over a year, so I command you to let me come!" I pouted and threw a little tantrum. "I wanna go!"

He sighed and threw me a jacket, hand-knitted by him himself. "Suit yourself, but remember-"

"I know the drill, since I'm the princess, I must be sure to be aware of anyone who tries to harm me. Yadda yadda yadda." I said the last part doing a hand puppet mouthing off.

"Good, princess." He said, smiling. "Now come along, or you'll be left behind." I smiled as I walked behind him.

Once we arrived to the village, people started greeting me like usual. "Good morning, princess," or "Good morning, Princess Marigold," And like usual, I said my greetings back.

"What are you doing today?" I asked Erin. He comes around the village for strictly business. I'm not allowed to leave his side at all, which is annoying at times.

"Today's business is a food-check to make sure they're not rotten. Also, a check on the 2 citizens I mentioned before." He told me. Then, he glanced in my direction and stared at me, which got me confused again. He suddenly smiled, saying, "My, you have no sense of style! Don't you know a green jacket and a red gown don't match?"

"You gave me this jacket!" I said angrily, crossing my arms while he laughed.

Sure enough, he said that only to distract me from a thought: Those two citizens were lost for twelve years, living in poverty. They were skinny, with pale faces, and looked close to death. Luckily, on his daily stroll around town, Erin found them.

I frowned, and Erin noticed. Surely, he knows that he wasn't able to distract me from that thought. He patted my head and smiled at me, saying,"Those two are fine, they're very healthy." I nodded, but couldn't get the uneasiness out of my chest.

We got to a little tent, where the doctor lives, and we found the two new citizens eating bowls of chicken noodle soup like animals. As soon as they saw me enter, they dropped the food, got to their knees and bowed at me, heads so low they could have Ben touching the ground. "Princess, we're so glad you were safe all these years!"

I was shocked. I grew up, so I was obviously surprised that they were able to recognize me so quickly. Although surprised by the sudden hospitality, I said, "Thank you for worrying about me. Please get up, there's no need to bow."

"Yes, the princess isn't as royal as she was in the past, no need to bow." Erin told them, making me punch his arm. He smiled at me.

Curse the fact he's strong, I need to train my woman muscles. He didn't even flinch at my punch. "I'm very glad you two are safe, Roxanne and Dylan."

"Pleasure to you as well, Erin!" They said. These two citizens are a well known couple in the castle. Roxanne is an excellent cook while Dylan works in the stables with the horses. Erin is famous for a lot of things for being able to help with everything, being so perfect, so it would be unusual if no one recognized him.

"Glad you think I'm perfect, Princess Marigold," Erin said, giving me that evil smirk again.

"Shut up! I told you not to use your spells on me!" I yelled at him. Turning to the couple, I said, "You two should stand up now." And they did, but I didn't know until now they were crying with their heads held down.

"Princess!" Roxanne yelled, hugging my legs. I almost tumbled down due to the weight. "Please, please forgive us!"

"Oh, how we failed you..." Dylan moaned as he cried into his hands.

"Stop yourselves!" Erin yelled at them, causing to flinch. He started prying Roxanne away from me. "Tell us what's wrong."

Both he and I were terribly confused by their sudden outburst. They stood there, crying their eyes out, and wouldn't calm down.

"Sorry, so so sorry," Roxanne cried.

"It's okay, now please tell us what's wrong." I said, patting her back and still feeling a little shocked.

"Yes, hurry, before the princess throws a tantrum." Erin said, earning another punch from me.

"Sorry... the queen and king, your parents," Dylan said.

"Mom and dad?" I asked excitedly. "What about them? Do you know where they are?"

"I'm so sorry, we've failed you..." Aron cried. "They're gone, we let them go hostage to the Tizian kingdom!"

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