Welcome To My Life

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They were all shocked, including Robin and Batman themselves. Robin just slapped Batman. Of course it didn't really hurt Batman, it stung a little though. Physically and Emotionally, but Batman let go of Robins wrist and Robin immediately pulled his hand back to his chest trembling with every breath and rubbing his already bruise forming wrist.

"I-I'm sorry i really didn't mean to you, you were hurting my wrist and-and you just don't understand!"

"Understand what? How emotional you are being?" Batman snapped back

"NO, You don't understand what its like to be me!" Robin had snapped and started screaming at his mentor

"Oh really and how don't I!?" Batman also grew louder in his tone

"No one ever lied straight to your face, and no one ever stabbed you in the back! You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay! Everybody always gave you what you wanted, you never had to work it was always there! You don't what its like to be hurt, to feel lost, to be left out in the dark, to be kicked when you're down, to feel like you've been pushed around! To be on the edge of breaking down and no one's there to save you. Now you see, you don't know what it's like to be me!" Yelled Robin not realizing what he just said

"..Robin is that really how you feel?" Batmans glare softened a little and his tone of voice went back down

"Welcome to my life" Robin softly spoke but loud enough for Batman to hear

Robin ran past Batman and went threw the Zeta beams to god who knows where

Recognised Robin B-01

Batman looked generally shocked, he looked over at the rest of the team now some of the other Justice League members walking in. Batman only focused on the ones that saw and slowly walked over to them

"Did you guys know any of that, him feeling like that?"

Robin not caring he was still in his costume flung across the buildings to Wayne Tower. He scaled the side of the tall building until he got to the top. He walked over to the edge and sat down letting his legs hang over the side, he always enjoyed high places. They let him feel more secure, away from most people and he could always see the sky and the clouds. Sometime when him and Bruce had arguments he went and sat in the rain on top of the mansion, sometimes even falling asleep, Alfred usually got mad at that saying he would catch a cold.

He took off his domino mask and looked off into the distance, it was a clear dark night, so many stars were visible. It was a pretty site, what wasn't going to be so pretty was going back and explaining everything to Bruce/Batman.

He put his head in his hands. The team. How was he going to explain everything to the team, speaking of the team he wondered how longer it would take for someone to find him. Wally and Bruce were the only two that knows he likes high places so it would probably be one of them to find him first

Ugh now how was he really going to explain it? 'Ya hey guys i haven't slept in like weeks and I've been crying a lot lately and I'm really insecure about myself and i hate the fact that i cant please you Batman etc etc' he thought to himself. He loudly groaned into his hands just thinking about how deep he's gotten into this. He felt a slight breeze and someone behind him

"Hey, Wally"

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