Broken Heart, Broken Glass

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The team sat there completely shocked at what they had seen. The strong Robin that always smiled and laughed and never showed a frown. Was crying and broken down and showing how young he really was to be handling all of this.

"Wow..." is all Black Canary could get out of her mouth

"..lets just continue" said Wally softly wanting to make sure that Dick was okay

Focusing on Dicks screen

He was just sitting there back against the door. In his large dark room curled up with his head tucked in his knees and arms hugging himself as he softly sobbed.

"Poor kid" is what one of them said

He stopped abruptly. He just looked up and stopped crying, he got up and sat on his bed and had a sadistic chuckle.

"if I'm not that important to him.."

You could hear Dicks voice crack softly as he picked up a glass picture frame of him, Bruce, and Alfred. Then throwing it shattering it against the wall.

"..he shouldn't care what i do" Dick sounded on the verge of tears again but you could tell he was trying to hold them in

Picking up a vase that was in his room for decoration, he threw it, shattered it. He went into his bathroom and closed the door locking it, looking himself in the mirror.

"Bird brat" He put his hand on the mirror

"Failure" He clenched his fist and spoke the next two words under his breath before punching and shattering the mirror

"charity case"


They didn't even have to switch to Bruce's point of view before he was banging at the door

"Dick let me in!"

No answer

"I will, and you know i will, break down this door!"

"You and your endless amounts of money" came Alfred's voice walking up behind Bruce with keys "Nothing is ever locked" with a swift hand motion the door was unlocked and Bruce had already broken the door to the bathroom not minding the shattered vase or picture frame across the room

The site horrified him. His son, oh his poor son. Sitting in the corner of the room, arms bleeding with the shattered glass of the mirror still in his arm and him clenching a piece in his now numb right hand.


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