Only a Half-Life

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3 days after, Chell ran into an old prison complex. "Hmm, Black Mesa... The bloody rivals of Aperture." Said Wheatley as they walked through the door. Instantly, a putrid smell hit Chell's nose. There were rotting bodies all over the floor. "Reminds me of when I woke you up." Said Wheatley," 10,000 bloody vegetables in every other room... horrible.". Suddenly, a man in a suit walked in the door. He was holding a glowing gun. The man walked forward and revealed a woman, holding a black SMG. She pointed at them but the man pushed it down with his hand. "Who are you?" asked the woman. "Oh wait, where are my manners? My name's Alyx. What's your name?" Wheatley spoke for Chell. "Um, her name is Chell, um, and my name is Wheatley, and please excuse her not talking because she may, or may not have a very minor case of... serious brain damage." Alyx spoke next. "Sorry to hear that, can she understands me? Chell, if you can hear me, please say something." For some odd reason or another, when she tried to speak, Chell only jumped. "Ok, you just jumped. That's what that was-" Wheatley cut Alyx off. "I've already been through this with her, she just, she's got the jumping down is all." he said. Alyx started and pointed at the portal gun," That gun you have there, is that a portal gun? There's only ever been one person who's ever escaped Aperture Laboratories!" Wheatley spoke again. "Yes, we know. In Aperture, they called him the Rat Man." The man next to Alyx nudged her. "Oh right, this is Gordan Freeman. He is the Earth's one hope for mankind to live peacefully on the earth once more without having the Combine watching your every move. It's pretty hard to live here, and we are always on the run. It's not fun, and every human on the earth right now lives only a half-life... if you could help please join us, you are pretty special if you can escape Aperture Laboratories and we could really use your help."

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