The Warehouse

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I went, of course I went.

Rev was leaning against her room's door when Frey came to get me in the morning. Her eyes never left me, and the unreadable look on her face never left her. I didn't hesitate, I followed Frey down the main hallway.

Frey had long, stark black hair and a lean, slender body. She introduced herself as we walked but grew quieter as we neared where she was taking me.

We turned off the hall about halfway down and entered a dimly lit room.

A variety of weapons- from guns to throwing knifes to axes- lined the length of the far wall. The wall to the right was concealed with shelves containing what seem like basic survival equipment- ropes, backpacks and lighters are the only ones I bothered to take note of. The last thing I noticed was the two men checking ammo supplies and filling backpacks on the tables to the left of the room. Kipp and who I assumed was Lucas.

I took in a breath and desperately tried to keep my face neutral...but God, he was so frustrating.

Frustrating, a little voice in my head said. Really?

I shut it out, completely unwilling to contemplate any other feelings towards him.

But then he looked over his shoulder at me, and had to do a double-take. It wasn't because he didn't know I was coming, Frey had told me that they knew we were both on our way and were waiting for us- it was something else. I felt my cheeks grow warm under the heat of his gaze. As I looked away in a lame attempt to hide it, he snapped out of whatever trance he was in and quickly turned to finished filling his handgun with ammo. He seemed a little flustered, as if he couldn't quite remember what he was supposed to do next.

The other boy- Lucas- introduced himself quickly and sharply, just like I imagined a military commander would. He was definitely in charge of this group. He finished packing the backpack in his hands and threw it to Frey. No one said much of anything as we finished up in the supply room, just a few mumbled words between Kipp and Lucas as Frey and I were pulling lengths of rope down from the top shelf. I caught only snippets:

"...don't know how well she can-"

" it, she can cope..."

Damn right I can cope, I thought, and made it my own secret mission from then on out to prove to them- to everyone- that I can.

Now, my legs ache as I stay crouched in a warehouse at the edge of town, Kipp and Frey flanking me and Lucas scouting ahead.

It's extremely hard to concentrate on the plan when Kipp's breath is caressing the back of my neck.

Before we entered the warehouse, Lucas hastily briefed us on the details of the supply run: breach, sweep, collect and out. Simple as, if you've been on a field mission before.

Frey must have sensed my confusion because she leaned over to me as the boys got to work on the breaching phase of the plan, and whispered, "Just follow me."

I would have been totally fine with that, except right now she's behind me and I have to attempt to trace Lucas' steps to the main room...By myself!

I'm sorry but, what?

"Stay low," Frey leans forward to whisper. "And stick to the shadows. You don't want them seeing you through the windows."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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