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Commander Janson walked me to a private room in the dorm Kipp showed me earlier. If he noticed the look on my face,- which he almost certainly did- he didn't say anything.

He told me as we entered the circular dorm room that most people share a room with two or three others but he'll find me a place to myself for as long as I needed. That was all the confirmation I needed that he understood, I needed space, and time. I smiled at him as he showed me to my door and murmured my thanks, to which he waved a hand, told me his room was only a few doors to the left and wished me a good night before walking away.

I had watched him go- his head high, but shoulders slumped slightly from exhaustion- until he walked out of the dorm.

Now I lie, sprawled on the mattress underneath me.

My head pounds too much to move so I haven't since I got here. I can't stop the questions from whirling around my mind.

Why did I only wake up six months ago? Who is the boy from my dream? How does Captain Duketon seem to know more about me than I do myself?

I let out an audible sigh, dragging a hand down my face.

Sleep. Yes, sleep sounds good.

I roll onto my side, facing the wall, and close my heavy eyelids.


A tall blonde woman stands over me. I try to shift in my seat, to scoot away, but I find my arms and legs are bound tightly to the chair beneath me.

The woman bends down so her face is level with mine. Her breath tangy and hot on my cheek.

"Where is the book?" She asks plainly, as if she expects no resistance from me.

"Screw you." I spit, despite my thumping heart. "How about you answer my question, huh? Where is he?"

The woman straightens again, looking down at me. "He's in this facility, there's no need to worry." She says it in such a way that tells me that I definitely should worry.

"I swear to god if you touch him, I'll-" I begin before she cuts me off.

"You'll what? Kill me? Crush me into pulp?" She folds her arms across her chest, as if she'd won. She hasn't won. Not yet. Not here with me. "Need I remind you you're surrounded, in enemy territory?"

I bark a quick laugh, filled with no joy. "This isn't enemy territory, that's your down fall isn't it? The flaw in your perfect plan. This is our planet- our home. We know this place better than any of your mad systems could ever allow you to."

A sudden- and very loud- bang goes off close by, knocking the blonde monstrosity and the rest of them in the room to the floor. My chair jumps but remains planted upright, though my ears ring wildly.

There are a few struggled yelps from outside the door- the guards- and then the door unlocks and flings open to reveal Hunter, bloodied knife in hand.

"Impeccable timing." I say simply, a grin sliding onto my face.

"Who is that?" The blonde woman yells before he can reply, pushing herself up from the floor. "Kill him!"

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