The Meeting

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I follow the man for a good ten minutes, this place must be huge.

We reach yet another steel door but this time, it's wide open, revealing what's on the other side.

A dim circular room, covered, around the edge with dozens upon dozens of narrow doorways, each with their own unique touch- a painted bright pink flower, a small mosaic of a sunset. The rest of the room is empty and plain. There are no windows and only a few scattered lights, obviously only meant for convenience and not decoration.

"These are the dormitories." The man suddenly speaks, startling me. "I know it doesn't look like much but, hey, it's better than out there." His voice is deep and stern but unusually friendly.

He pauses a few beats so I can reply but when I open my mouth, the words retreat down my throat. He glances at me, then turns his body so he's facing me.

"Oh, I'm Kipp by the way." He runs a hand through his scruffy hair, shaking his head. "Sorry I'm not very good at this. I don't usually have this job, but Reyes is sick so-" He stops again when he sees me looking as hopeless as ever. "But, you don't know what I'm talking about because you're new.

"Okay let me start again." He straightens his posture dramatically and brushes his shoulder. I almost smile but I stop myself before I can. I don't know this man or anything about this place, I can't start getting comfortable. "Welcome to Camp Haven!" He stretches his arms out wide. "I'm Kipp and I'm supposed to show you around before the Meeting."

I breathe in raggedly through my nose. "I-I'm Ali." I stick my hand out for him to shake. I know I shouldn't let news of my arrival spread, just in case I have to make a quick escape, but he doesn't seem like the type to gossip.

Before he takes it he pauses, noticing its tremble. "There's no need to be scared, Ali, you're safe now." He takes my hand and shakes it once. His large hand is rough but warm against my skin. "It's nice to meet you. I wish I could tell you more, I know how terrified you are right now believe me, but all your questions will be answered in the Meeting."

"The Meeting?" I say, desperately trying to cover my apprehension.

He smiles in an attempt to reassure me. "Come on, it's about to start."


The metal chair beneath me is cool against my skin. The air in this room is moist and the lighting is low. The man- Kipp- sits to my right, a handgun that I don't remember him having, rested on his thigh. I make a mental note to pay closer attention to everything. To my left is an empty yellow seat, then next to that, a garden chair occupied by a skinny boy a few years younger than me- maybe fifteen or sixteen. His hair is tousled and his once white shirt is now a light brown and dotted with red spots. Blood?

I quickly shift my eyes away. Where the hell am I?

There are at least thirty others stuffed into the small room, all human- I hope.

A man that has sharp, rock hard features and bright red hair, walks to the front of the room and holds up his left hand to silence the few talkers.

"Thank you all for coming." He begins, his voice smooth yet stern. A light South African accent slips through on a few words. "And for the new among us, I'm Captain Jude Duketon, welcome to Camp Haven."

Kipp looks over at me, a small, reassuring smile on his face. I return the smile as best I can. Although I ought to be careful, there's no reason to be cold to him.

"Commander Janson, would you please give everyone a brief update on the Parallels before I go any further." The Captain was obviously military, the titles and the way he holds himself- proud and tough. He steps back from where he was standing and someone new steps forward from the shadows behind him. A boy probably the same age as me- eighteen- appears, his face holds a tough kind of charm. Behind the thin layer of muck and sweat on his face, hides a truly beautiful boy. His jaw is perfectly chiseled and set as if from stone. Yet his eyes are a gentle blue in colour and hold a certain depth that makes me wonder how he got here.

"Thankya, Captain." His voice is strong and sure, with a slight southern lilt. He scans the crowd before he begins and catches my eye for just a second longer than he seems to with the rest. The life in his eyes in that moment makes my breath catch in my throat. "We have documented the Parallels' movement for months and have, as most of you know, continuously come to the same conclusion about their purpose here. That they are using our planet as a headquarters of sorts. The factory at the edge of town seems to serve as a construction base, though we have yet to go inside and confirm this theory. There is much we still yearn to know about these monsters that stole our home, but I can tell you we have after years of searching, found what we were looking for. Something- someone- that we believe can help free us from our dead ends in research." The crowd starts up then, chattering to the people around them or even to themselves. I notice Kipp turn his face to me at this, his expression a little nervous. The Commander holds up his hand and waits a few beats for the noise to lessen. "Please join me in welcoming a very special new arrival," I look behind Commander Janson, trying to pinpoint the prodigy set to rid the Earth of the Offbeats (I still like my name for them the best). "Alison Evorgray!"

My heart stops.

I stare at the Commander boy, wide eyed, unblinking, unmoving.

I wonder for a moment whether I misheard him, - no one knows my name here- but that thought is crushed my the sudden weight of 30 or so pairs of eyes trained on me and the boy's outstretched arm motioning right at me.

Well so much for flying under the radar.

I hear Kipp suck in a breath beside me as if he knows what's about to happen next.

My body falls into him and the world goes black.

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