(5)The New Man

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"Unfortunately you're the last one standing, the gift of destruction was more threatening then the both that they took it to find your mother. Once they knew she held the gift her father didn't hesitate to leave with her.

"But after she came home with the Shadow Hearts beta, they took action to find her but it was too late when she came back to the human world to Amanda. It was a victory to them when the words spread that she had died but they never took the time to acknowledge that the baby took in next in line"

"You have a lot to learn dear but know that you are not a threat- somehow I saw you could defeat something bigger, something more threatening then a little girl with powers" Amanda came to her before she rested her hand against her shoulder in Comfort and she took in with a smile

"So where do I fit with you guys?" Savanna ask

"Do you remember when you had opened the portal? Someone was there. A woman perhaps, she reeked in dark magic for she is the great Flemeth herself. The first witch who performed dark magic until it has consumed her soul. Somehow she is connected to the moon goddess. We don't know how but she uses The wolves gift as her weapon to destroy your kind"

"This has a lot of information" Savanna grumbled. Her mind was now trying to remember everything she had never even knew from her kind and she was learning from a seer!

"Well if it's too much to take in we could do it tomorrow?" Amanda asked. She knew the poor girl was exhausted especially when she was their to witness her mothers life. Maybe it was for the better she took a rest first

"to be honest I'm not that tired, with all those thing you told me I don't think I could even sleep" she said truthfully while Amanda thought of something to ease her mind a bit. Amanda's eyes then widen when she thought of a good Idea

"Say dear, would you want to see the city? Just to ease the tension before we start again. Lucas could come with you after all he need a fresh air himself with all the work" she winked at his way while Lucas though looked disappointed but grumbled in defeat

"Come on pup, Amanda just want me gone so she could have the mansion with her husband" this time it was Amanda who blushed and smiled softly. Amanda still couldn't believe she had earned a husband and a mate. It still seemed surreal after a hundred years of being together

Savanna silently nod and followed the bigger form. As she followed, she couldn't help but look at his figure. He was wide and pretty much strong enough to break her in two. she notice how his midnight black hair curled on the tips that stop just in the middle of his neck, it made her wish she could curl her hands on it, and see if it was smooth as she saw it.

"as mush as I appreciate being gaped at, I find it rather irksome when all you do is look at me too long"

embarrassed she muttered lowly "Like you're that handsome to stare"

but she knew Lucas heard it clearly but he didn't reply. Instead, they left the mansion where an awaited car was in front with a man who she guessed is the driver

"good morning Mr. Andreadis"

Lucas who only nodded, silently went in the vehicle while she followed suit.

"so where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to my office"

"oh....Why?"curious she looked at him once again only to find him looking through his phone. Didn't Amanda say about him not having to work?

"as you know, humans have jobs just as you do except we work for money"

"hey Lucas?"


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