Chapter 43

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×|Jason's P.O.V.|×


"Get the fuck of him!" I yelled once reaching the top floor seeing two men pinning down Ryan to the ground whilst continuously kicking him.

I launched forward and pushed them off him throwing punches at each of them until they fell back. I rushed back to Ryan taking his hand and pulling him up "You're good, we always are" I told him as he nodded standing up dusting off his jacket before wiping his bloody nose.

We both looked ahead at a swarm of guys running towards, glancing at him, we nodded at one another before we began throwing punches, dodging any hits from them who were pretty unskilled which was why half of their members were dead.

"Jason! The bomb!" Ryan yelled from across the hall as the only we could run and hide from the guy with the shotgun was in the direction of the last bomb standing.

"Where's your sniper?" I asked as I shot at the guys who had better guns then my hand gun, especially the damn shotgun guy who was firing shots left right and centre.

"I threw it down to Kyle!" He yelled back making me groan in annoyance.

"We gotta make a run for it... we get any closer to that last bomb, we'll set it off and it will explode" I told him probably making him even more panicked.

"We run we got shot by that guy," "We don't run, we get blown up" I answered making him sigh.

"Fuck it, run!" We both stood up and ran as fast as we could, I ran behind the pillars avoiding any of the bullets but not good enough. "Jason!" I suddenly felt Ryan's weight over me and we both fell down the marbled stair case. I groaned in pain as we hit the ground, looking over to the side to see Ryan holding his arm, blood pooling around him.

"Fuck Ryan" I quickly got up, covering his arm with my hand to stop the blood "why the fuck did you get in the way! You should of let him shoot me!" I argued knowing he covered me so he got hurt.

"N-no way... we're brothers, I'm not gonna watch you get shot, ah fuck" he winced in pain as I tightened my hold around his forearm were the bullet wound was.

"Come on, stand up, we gotta get outta here, I didn't tell you boys this but that last bomb... it's more dangerous then the rest, it'll blow the whole building down and it's on a damn timer, we have to go, now" He quickly stood up, I pulled him along with me before we both took of running.

"Run!" I yelled as we ran out of the warehouse and seconds after, the building exploded behind us, the bomb went off sending the building in flames and the impact sent us both to the ground. I groaned feeling glass being wedged in to my arm as I looked over at Ryan,my vision kind of blurry.

"Shit" he winced turning over. The guys came running over, we were helped up and taken back to the SUVs where we got in and drove away from the scene.

"What happened to Ryan?!" Khalil asked as I looked over at Ryan who held his arm, blood still leaving it.

"He got shot dumb ass" Ali answered.

"We gotta get you guys to a hospital" He ended making me look at him shaking my head "I don't need the hospital, Ryan does," I told them making them all look at one another.

"You have glass in your arm, a bleeding lip and a bruised eye, you need the hospital now shut up" With that, they drive away and probably the direction of the hospital.

I didn't realise when but my eyes began to get heavy and the lack of sleep really got to me and I was out like a light.

It didn't feel like long when I was being shaken and we had arrived at the hospital. We had to make up a story about how we worked in a factory and there was a robbery where they shot Ryan and I fell in to a window, they believed it and said that they'd inform the police but we were long gone by that time.

I was bandaged around my arm and the glass shards were all out, they couldn't do anything about my black eye but clear up my bleeding lip.

I looked kinda rough, the black bruise around my eyes really wasn't flattering and I had these red marks on my shoulder and jaw and a bruised back from the hits as well as a cut lip, my hair was also a mess and it didn't help that I had the worst headache but then of course, the hospital forced me to take some tablets to get rid of that headache and the pain which I could take, and didnt need pills for but they forced me to. As for Ryan, he was lucky because the bullet had just grazed his arm and was stitched up, he was meant to spend a night in Hospital but then that would mean we'd have to face the cops in the morning and there was no way we would tell them that thee was a robbery at the factory when the cops knew who I was and what my business was. Wasn't on the run, they knew my business but didn't know the illegal trading side of it, and of course the gangs and all, but we didn't want to risk it.

We got back in our cars and had to go back to the motel where Ryan fell asleep and didnt wake up till 7pm which meant it would take us longer to actually get there. We'd been here for 3 days, the first day was a waste because we got here so late and so we did the actually fighting the next night and then we had to go to hospital the next day for Ryan and I and that took us to our third day of being here.

I spoke to Gabi who sounded even more upset that I hadn't returned and kept asking if I was okay. But all the pain and tiredness went away when I heard the words, I love you, leave her mouth like silk, I couldn't help but smile every time I heard it.

∆Possession∆ |Jason McCann|Where stories live. Discover now