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  Hyemi's POV

Time flies when we enjoy ourselves, it was already 8.00pm.
"Hye mi ah, its already so late, we should really get going," Namjoon stopped beside me and I braked my bike. I glanced at my watch and nodded in agreement.
"Yeah we should get- Omg! There's a swing there! I wanna' go sit! Please Namjoon I'll just go play for a while, please," I begged Namjoon with my puppy eyes.

Namjoon 's POV

Why is this happening? Why is my heart speeding when Hyemi did that?
Flustered by my sudden increase of my heartbeat, I stumbled on my words as I said," Y..yeah..sure...w..why not."

"Thank you! Joo-nie, 사랑해 ! Come play with me!" Hyemi exclaimed in delight as she ran towards the swing like a childish 3 year old.

What she just said didn't help at all. She was just making my heart beat faster. Did ahe just said 사랑해 to me? Omg.
I swallowed as I stood rooted to the ground.
"Yah Namjoon ! Come push me!" Hyemi called out to me. I snapped out of my daydream and hurried over to push Hyemi, pushing all thoughts out of my confused mind.


"Mmmm.. this taste so good," Hyemi said as she licked her green tea ice cream.
"I'm glad you liked it," I gave her a smile and I smiled back.
"Yah Namjoon ah, thank you so much. Thanks for being my friend and staying by my side all this time. You're the best friend I could ever have, you're just like my brother," Hyemi smiled at me cutely.
I felt the same. I was really grateful for Hyemi. She was so adorable and bubbly all the time and she never fails to cheer me up. But what I was afraid the most was that I was starting to feel something more than friend for her.
"Ani, thank you for being my friend and for everythinf you've done for me," I smiled back at her.
"Best friends forever," Hyemi stuck out her pinky for me to hook onto.
Best frends forever.
Yes, we could only be best friends and nothing more.
Feeling a little reluctant, I stuck out my pinky and hooked it onto Hyemi's and she chuckled cutely.
My heart was melting.

Friends, Crush and a Bully [KNJ, PJM, KTH Fanfic] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora