"Hi, I'm Kelly and you must be Sean" Kelly introduced before Samantha could do her job.

"Well hello, you're Samantha's friend....Kelly" Sean spoke somewhat unsure. He remember what Samantha had spoke to him about Kelly. "The one who is getting married" Sean added.

Kelly laughed and nodded. "Yes, I'm the one losing my single status" Kelly was always a very cheerful lot among all of Samantha's friend. 

"If you guys were done with the introduction, can we proceed with by putting some food into our system" Samantha interrupted her friends. "And Sean, where were you from morning, mom had to all the work" She asked coating her mother as her excuse.

"If she was worried, she would call, but why are you getting angry?" Sean smirked at her as he took his seat next to her. 

"Yeah Samie, why, tell him?" Kelly winked at her. She jumped the wagon and took the opportunity to tease her friend.

 "Oh, now I get it, so today's its my turn. Don't worry Sean, every dog has its day" She quoted his statement from yesterday.

A misfit of laughter roared the room, as Lily walked in.

"Ah I see, you have meet" She spoke between Sean and Kelly.

Both nodded and Kelly got up to give her a air hug. "I missed you pancakes" Kelly spoke to her.

"No worries, I have plenty of them" She replied. "And you, young man, you better have a reason for missing out this morning. Look the mess around" Lily pointed at the chaos that was nagging her from morning.

"I'm sorry about that. I had a urgent call" Sean's face suddenly changed when he spoke about it.

"Is everything alright?" Lily asked. "If you're...I mean you can take the day off. Its just a Sunday, I'll manage the plce"

"Oh, no Mrs. Folwer, everything is fine. Moreover this is my duty as a manager, I can't leave thing to you"

"Ah, what will I do without you" Lily patted his shoulder with appreciation. "Now come with me" Her tone turned bossy. "Let them catch up"

"Ya, sure thing. I'l get your breakfast" Sean spoke to the ladies and followed Lily.

Both finished their breakfast while catching up with all that they had missed in years. Kelly rambled about the wedding preparation and Samantha spoke about her experience working in West Virginia.

 Shortly after they both drove off to the nearest shopping mall. 

“So what’s the occasion?” Kelly asked, as while driving. She was always the curios lot.   

“Ummmm……Nothing much. Just needed some new clothes and moreover I need dresses for your wedding too” Samantha replied.   

“Oh, shut up. You are my maid-of-honor remember” Kelly tried to reason out by coaxing her for more details.

“Umm..I need a dress for a today's evening” She said, hesitantly knowing what would be her next question. Kelly would never stop asking for details. They were so different, yet so alike when, it comes to relationship and friendship. Samantha was a lost cause whereas Kelly never had to find a boyfriend.

“You are going out on a date?. Who is the lucky one?” Kelly smiled grew bigger. 

“No, it’s not a date, Kelly. It’s me and Sean.......going for a movie” She looked at her friend who was driving slowly now. She was still smiling. “It’s just a friendly outing. Don’t think anything otherwise”

“Now, who is thinking about anything otherwise?” Kelly used the same tone as her friend used. “I never said anything, you are putting words in my mouth” She teased her playfully.

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