By the time I went there Ben had already taken Aanya in a hug and was saying something I couldn't hear. I went there and bend down to her eye level.

"Aanya. Look at me. What happened? Tell us." I asked as softly as I can trying to control my anger.

She just shook her hand and turned away from me and buried her head in ben chest more. That was it! She never did that before. We can see otherslies and emotions looking at each others eyes. She doesn't want me know what ever it is.

I turned to Kaden angrily and saw that he was busy glaring at Ben. I went to him and stood in front of him blocking Aanya from his view.

"What did u do to her?" I asked gritting my teeth. I didn't say anything but continued glarring at Ben. I so wanted to hit him continuously till he is unconscious.

"YOU FU*KER, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER? TELL ME BEFORE I BREAK YOUR NOSE" I yelled getting his attention and pulled my fist back to hit him.

I was about to hit him when Aanya came in between us, looked at me with tears filled eyes.

"Get out of my way Aanya. I am going to kill him. Isn't it enough for him to ruin your life in high school that he has to come doing it again. Move Aanya. Let me talk to him." I half yelled at her.

She hugged me hard and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me as she silently sobbed. I glared at Kaden. Once I get my hands on him, he will not know what hit him. Aanya pulled away from me but I continued shooting daggers at him. Aanya took my face in her hands and made me look at her. That's when I saw it. Her eyes they told me everything. She was in love with him again. Fuck!!

"Please Josh! Take me home. Please, lets go" she looked so vulnerable. I hate to see my sister like this.

I know she portrays herself as a strong independent and furious woman who can take anything life throws at her. But in reality she was a broken from inside, she just needs love without any drama, but its like her life is not at all simple. I just wish I could take away all her worries. After what happened with Adrian, I am very much protective of her. It doesn't matter if I am younger one in this relationship.

I gave Kaden a last glare before turning, taking Aanya with me. She clinged at me and I took her out of there to Ben's apartment. I had afight tonight but I had it cancelled. Nothing is more important to me than my sister.

I still remember the day when I had first entered the ring and came to her apartment because I was all bruised and bloody and I didn't want to go home, cause maa would have been all freaked out if her baby boy got hurt.

When Aanya saw me standing behind the door like that, she covered her mouth with her hands. She stood there for almost 5 mins until I groaned in pain cause my legs were killing me. What else do you except from a 16 year old good boy when he went to the street fighting 1st time.

She took me inside and asked me who hit me and I told her everything. I just wanted to be a strong brother who can protect his big sister from anyone who tried to hurt her. I cried for the first time in front of her because I wasn't there when Adrian was going to hurt her. What if Ben wasn't there. I couldn't even imagine. She held me as tightly as she could without hurting me and told me she was ok.

She cleaned my wounds and I slept in her apt that day. Next day she tried to talk me out of this street fighting. But I didn't stop then. And now here I am all muscles. In the streets no one can beat me. I am on top. I know Aanya knew all this while but didn't try to stop me after she tried for almost ½ a year. She knew this was my way of coping.

I swear if Kaden doesn't clear up his shit and hurts her one more time, then even Aanya wont be able to hold me from killing him.

*** A/N***


875+ READS & 75+ Votes.. Thank u so much every1 who reads my book. Truely appreciate it.. !!

My book is ranking #191 in Humor. Its all because of you guys..

I love you all.. :*

So how's these chapter?? You guys liked it right??

What do you guys think of  Josh & Aanya's relationship. isnt it perfect?

I have casted Douglas Booth as Josh Williams. He just fits the character perfectly.

Next chapter will have Kaden's pov in it. 

So stay Tunned!! KEEP READING.


LOVE – Mystic :*

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