Everything You Do-He Is We

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Everything You Do-He Is We (9)


My heart was beating wildly in my chest I couldn’t breathe. My hands were shaking as if I was holding a lawn mower. Matt pulled the door open for me and I got inside his car, trying to close my eyes and thinking that if I could write down these inevitable thoughts on my red leather notebooks…where do I start?


I look up and found myself staring at the windshield. Matt was already beside me, sitting on the driver seat. “What?”

“Are you alright?” He asks me. “You look pale.”

I breathed out and nodded. “I am pale.”

“Aw, you look so cute,” he laughs and pats my shoulder before starting the engine. “You’ll be alright.” He promises and pulls out of the driveway. I kept on thinking if I was going to be okay, like he said, and knew I wouldn’t be.

“If I fall—” I began but he cut me off.

“I’ll catch you.”


Landon’s camera was blocking my face and I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe. We were coming up on stage and Matt grabbed his guitar and I took the microphone from the previous singer. There was just the two of us. And I no longer had any worries.

On the way here, he kept on cracking up these ridiculous jokes and even though I always find them corny and nerdy, they were hilarious this time. Maybe it was the nerves talking or the anxiety, really, but maybe it was this confidence he keeps on giving me. Matt had proven himself true.

He had my back and though it’s only been a couple of days, weeks or whatever, since we really got this close…I know he’s the one staying by my side. Now, as I look towards this sea of people staring at us, all I could think about was the first day, that day where all of this began.

The reason for why I’m standing here is Nathan, my broken heart, my love for music, my comeback, my obsession with success and my undying determination to not disappoint Matt because he never disappointed me.

And as he strummed his trusty guitar, our first day flashed and I could smell the aroma of good pizza.


“Since when did you know…?” He asks me and I looked down at my hands. “Beatrice,”

“What?” I asked meekly and tried to look dumb.

“How long did you know you were in love with him?”

I sighed. Playing dumb was not an option then. “A year ago, or maybe it had been longer I just didn’t want to face it.” I dared to look at Matt but he was staring at me. I looked away quickly.

“Then why did you set him up with Chelsea?”

I groaned and hid my face in my hands. “I don’t know! Alright, maybe I didn’t want him to know I was already falling…I just…and then he told me he was getting closer with C and I…I just knew I had to do something—”

“Okay, calm down,” he laughs and I peeked from my hiding place. “Relax, we got all day,”

I gave him a small smile when the waitress came to get our orders. I didn’t speak and let Matt do all the talking. “How about you—how long did you know I was head over freaking heels over him?” 

“Two weeks ago,” he answers casually and plays around with a straw. “You know that you’re not very hard to read.”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course not…,”

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